Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

the dietary changes as recommended in this book you will be back
on the way to restoring your health. Optimum vitamin and mineral
absorption can only be achieved in a clean body; the body cannot
work properly when it is cluttered with waste products.

Constipation is commonplace in most ‘developed’
countries. The UK has the highest incidence of bowel cancer in
the world. According to the Colonic International Association one
in three people consulting GPs have a bowel problem. On average
the transit time for food in the body is 60-70 hours, far from the
healthy 4-24 hours in a clean system. No wonder that 90% of UK’s
population suffer from constipation, whilst believing they have no
problem. Old faecal matter that builds up against the walls of the
colon and small intestines does not pass from the body, but forms
toxins that pass into the blood stream which contribute to many
diseases and also lowers the immune system. Laxatives are not
the answer – they simply stimulate the bowel to move any free
stuff, still leaving the rotting substances behind, often for many
years. Resting your body by means of a juice fast is
recommended – see section on fasting.

The best cure for constipation and gastritis is raw grapes.
Black are best. Try 1-4 pounds per day with nothing else. They
also detoxify the digestive tract, kidney and liver. Don’t forget to
chew the skin and seeds thoroughly.


It is harder to establish the cause of diarrhea, but it may be the
result of a serious bacterial infection although most of the time it
goes away by itself. Avoid medications and refrain from eating for
24 hours, drink plenty of water and rest. It is important to give the
body a chance to recover. Make sure you drink extra water in
between light meals and include super-foods such as celery. If an
infant has a bout of diarrhea it is advisable to take them to see a

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