‘Food and drink are relied upon to nurture life. But if one
does not know that the natures’ of substances may be opposed to
each other, and one consumes them altogether indiscriminately,
the vital organs will be thrown out of harmony and disastrous
consequences will soon arise. Therefore, those who wish to
nurture their lives must carefully avoid doing such damage to
Chia Ming from Essential knowledge for Eating and Drink,
he best way to ignore this whole section and eat the perfect
food combination is by means of a mono diet; a meal of only
one type of food. As this is problematic for most people,
understanding the dynamics of food combining is important. Food
combining involves learning which combination of foods are
easiest to digest and help us feel more energetic. When we put
something in our mouths, our sensitive taste buds send a
message to the brain saying what foods are on their way down.
They ask our brain if it could prepare specific juices to digest them
as they arrive. Liquids are emptied from the stomach within
minutes, solids usually take more than an hour with smaller