- The efficient elimination of food wastes must be
maintained through a cleansed colon.
Point 1 is most important concept of food combining, the
rest seem to follow naturally. So, being by giving up cereal and
milk, jacket potato and cheese, eggs on toast, apple pies. This
may seem extreme, but look to the tasty alternatives
suggested in the recipe section. This diet allows you to eat the
same foods, but in a different combination.
Recommended times to wait in order to prevent
fermenting in the system after eating certain foods: 2 hours
salads, 3 hours well combined meal, 12 hours average
western diet.
Starchy foods and sugars (carbohydrates) are those that contain a
carbohydrate composition of 20-25%+ and include all type of
cereals, grains and the by-products such as wheat, oats, rye, rice,
bread, cakes, pasta; all sugar and sugar products such as
biscuits, confectionery and sweet fruits; starchy vegetables such
as potatoes; sweet fruits (dates, figs, bananas).
Protein foods are those which contain a protein
concentration of 20-25%+ and include most hemp products, dairy
products, eggs, soya products and most nuts. Health problems
such as low energy, excess gas, constipation, headaches and
other diseases of our ‘advanced’ society are put down to ‘just a
touch of...’. Such problems are ignored until they manifest into
something more serious. Listen to your body before disease
manifest, learn to metabolize, absorb and assimilate foods in
correct combination.