Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke and overcrowding also contribute
to the problem.

Albert Einstein was one of the first to research the health benefits
of fresh, pure mountain air. It was noted that in air electricity, ions
were the basis to live air. Just as with live food there is live and
dead air. How long can you spend in an air-conditioned aircraft or
office without feeling the effects and needing 'a breath of fresh
air'? Nature has provided negative ions to deal with any natural
pollutants. Negative ions help our intake of oxygen, reduce
histamine (which triggers hayfever), and also have a beneficial
effect on asthma, bronchitis and the common cold.

Without going into too much detail, the obvious solution is
to stop air pollution or move to the mountains or the sea. Such
methods are not sustainable and not always immediately practical.
So, like other alternatives provided in this book, there are
transition methods. The main option is to take short, but frequent
breaks to walk in the country. If this is still out of reach then the
use of an 'ioniser' may assist. This machine produces negative
ions and helps 'clear the air' in polluted environments that we are
immediately unable to leave. Consider that persons living close to
electricity pylons have a higher rate of suicide and psychological
disturbances, and consider the effects of televisions, computers,
radios and microwave ovens on today's society. What about the
coiled metal springs inside most mattresses, perfect magnifiers for
electro-magnetic radiation. My advice, throw them away and find
an alternative; you can buy hemp silk covered, hemp futons these
days. In Russia where many studies on the effects of electro-
magnetic radiation have been carried out, there are strict rules
regarding the amount and duration of emissions from radio
transmitters and radar.


A major part of Naturecure is the yogic art of breathing,
pranayama or air baths.

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