Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1


The most well known sea vegetable grown in the tidal waters
surrounding Japan. Nori is the basis for sushi. Often found as
roasted sheets, crumble over salads or rice dishes. Works well
with apple vinegar, soy or Hempso(tm) sauce, as well as a
substitute for bread -add any filling, including dried fruits. See
resource section for sea vegetable suppliers.




May help to strengthen the bladder and kidneys and work as a
support in chest and bronchial conditions. Carageenan is used as
a binder in hemp 'ice-dream' available in UK stores.


Yoghurt is great for curing most gastro-intestinal disorders. It is
good for synthesising B vitamins in the intestines, thus
discouraging putrefactive bacteria in the colon and helps in
restoring the digestive tract after the use of antibiotics. Some
people have lactose intolerance, which can result in bloating,
flatulence and abdominal pains. Milk contains lactose but when it
is made into yoghurt it is broken down to lactic acid making it
much more tolerable. Yoghurt also contains more absorbable
forms of calcium and phosphorous than milk. Live sheep or goats
milk yoghurt is easier to digest and less mucus forming than cows
milk. Many long-term raw foodists make their non-raw 5/6 goats
milk yoghurt.


The natural antibiotic, echinacea is one of the primary remedies
for fighting infections. It is often effective against viral and bacterial

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