Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1


Goldenseal is a native American drug that has been used to
strengthen the immune system, works as an anti-inflammatory, as
well as a wash for sore eyes. The herb may have antibacterial
characteristics, help against amoebas, stimulate secretion of
saliva and increase appetite. As a paste it has been known to heal


Ayurvedically speaking it is suitable for all doshas. A wonderfully
calming vegetable that is best steamed and eaten with butter or
ghee (steam for 6 minutes or until fork goes through easily). Eaten
raw, asparagus is a powerful kidney cleanser.


Part of the nightshade family, they can be highly toxic. Sweet
potatoes are not of the nightshade family, but are part of the
morning glory group. A good alternative to white potatoes, they
can be used similarly as well as eaten raw. Sweet potatoes are
the only potatoes recommended to be eaten raw. Chop them into
flat crisp like snacks. The brighter the potato, the more nutrients it
contains. If there is any green shade to its peel, it is suspect and
likely to be poisonous. Cutting off the surface and all green parts
will make them safe again.



Best for vata types. The word 'orange' is an Indian Hindi word!
Great for hot days.

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