Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

Algae used to be traded in the ancient Aztec civilisation of ancient
Mexico. It is still eaten by Africans from Lake Chad and evidence
shows the South American Incas harvested and ate raw algae.

Algae has been around longer than us. It helped make our
environment habitable by using the power of the sun to split water
molecules and use surrounding gases and minerals to make its
own food. The by-product oxygen is freed into the atmosphere
providing the basis for all human life. Blue-green algae is probably
the most well known. There are around 1000 different species,
some apparently dating back over four billion years.

Bacteria and plants are linked in the evolutionary chain by algae.
This algae has survived all types of atmospheres, temperatures
and conditions. It has learnt to survive almost anything.By
consuming such algae maybe our molecules can learn how to
adapt to the effects of excess radiation or viruses if so required!
Algae is easily assimilated in the body, contains high amounts of
life giving chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals (40 macro and micro
minerals detected so far, specifically the B complex, containing 65
times the B12 content by weight of alfalfa) and other important
substances. As well as it being a nutritionally balanced source of
vitamins and minerals, algae is full of live enzymes, EFAs (hemp
is not the only source) and beta carotene. Recommended dosage
varies from person to person, but start slow and build up from
250mg to 2g over a two month period. It works well when mixed in
a morning juice, as a garnish on all salads and most avocado
dishes. Try two teaspoons of algae with 10 drops of lavender in
your hot bath.

It is alkaline and in Chinese terms, algae is a bitter food affecting
the heart and mind.

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