Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

schemes'. Take these recipes with a 'pinch of (sea) salt', follow
your instinct and experiment.

If you must cook, stick to the following guide-lines:

Cook for as little time as possible, using the least possible amount
of heat;

Use as little water as possible, without burning;

Add fresh oils and live foods AFTER cooking;

Keep lid on whilst cooking to save the aroma;

Steam rather than bake or boil vegetables - or for a change try
them raw;

For recipes that need finely chopped garlic, grate on coarse part of

Never toss a salad in oil and vinegar dressing until ready to serve,
as the acid vinegar makes salad greens limp;

Use serrated knife for slicing tomatoes;

After peeling and cutting onions, wash hands and rub with salt,
parsley or coriander leaves to help alleviate smell;

Before making custard or heating milk, rinse saucepan with cold
water which helps cleaning afterwards;

When cleaning up, always wash floury surfaces with cold water
first, as hot water makes the flour stick;

To encourage bread dough to rise more quickly, place inside a
large polythene bag, close the neck and place in warm place;

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