Tillage and Sowing Cost 75 75
Sprays & Fertiliser Cost 90 42
Harvesting Cost 100 136
Storage Cost 12 20
Average haulage cost 43 76
Land lease cost 148 148
License 0 20
Total Cultivation Cost 525 592
Processing Cost
Salaries and Wages 37 89
Energy 9 17
Accommodation 6 14
General Overheads 9 23
Depreciation 13 31
Interest 10 25
Total Processing Cost 84 199
Total Cost 609 791
Fibre 112 269
Shive 157 420
Seed 96
Total Revenue 365 689
Table 1: Area of Flax in England and Wales (Ha)
Wales England U.K Total
Flax Hemp Flax Hemp Flax Hemp
1995 323 1600
1996 756 15788
1997 952 16095 1381 19049 2333
1998 382 2460 16902 2697
1999 15230 1516