The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1
Yangambi, fishponds 5 temperature may restrict 189
T. zillii and T. rendalli 5, 11
Yaounde, fishponds 5
Yield of tilapias, from natural waters 105-9 'Zambezian' distribution, T. renclalli
Yields, and various feedstuffs in pond and T. sparrmanii

culture (^199) Zambia, T. rendalli 5
Young-of-the-year culture, high cost of Zanzibar, S. hornorum 25
overwintering tilapia (^191) Zooplankton, in diet 144
important factors (^189) eaten by many Sarotherodon 41
practice 187-91
Species Index
This index lists the more important entries to the species of the genera Sarotherodon
and Tilapia. Entries for the two genera themselves, and for the heading Tilapia, are
included in the General Index.
S. alcalicus alcalicus, distribution 23
euryhaline 38
L. Magadi 38,86,332
L Natron 23,38,40,86,332
pH and alkalinity in L. Magadi 40
pH and alkalinity in L. Natron 40
salinity tolerance 38
S. alcalicus gmhami, and the aquarium
trade 334
distribution 23
diurnal feeding 43
diurnal movements in L. Magadi 53
eats blue-green algae 41
euryhaline 38
eurythennal 37
feeding and mouthbrooding 43
in hot springs 34
infected with nematode Contracaecum
SP. 252-3
introduced to L. Nakuru 24,55,101
L. Magadi 23,34,38,40,41,100,332
L. Natron 38
pH and alkalinity in L. Magadi 40
pH tolerance 40,123
population parameters 75, 100
salinity tolerance 38
stunting in hot springs explained 174-5
temperature tolerance 35,121
S. amphimelas, distribution 23
euryhaline 38
L. Kitangiri 23, 39,102
L. Manyara 23,38,39
salinity tolerance 389
S. andersonii, distribution 18, 86
fecundity 94
and fish culture 11
fish tuberculosis 256
growth rates 103-5
introductions 21,55,56
L. Kafue 86
R. Kalomo 32
natural distribution 21
omnivorous 41
production, yield, and turnover 106-7
salinity tolerance 38
size at maturity and water level 110
temperature tolerance 35
tuberculosis in Okavangu swamp 256
R. Zambezi 18-19,93-6
Zambezi system 193-6
S. angolensis, R. Bengo 23
R. Quanza 23
S. aureus, all-male culture 195
all-male hybrid crosses 280-3,286-7,
ammonia tolerance 40
anaphylactic reaction 260
in aquaculture 185
Auburn strain 258-9
Bardawil lagoon 38
biological control of vegetation 29
cage culture 206
cannibalism and fingerling pro-
duction 286

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