The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

culture 11
daily feeding rate in Alabama exper-
iments 227
diet 144
diseases and mortality in cage
culture 238-9
distribution 22
eats blue-green algae 41
effects of ammonia 123
estradiol in ovary 138
eurythermal 37
experiments with presentation of
feed 228-9
extensive cage culture in Alabama
fecundity 324
feeding 41
first experiment with cage culture 205
geethermal water 29
gonads destroyed by estrogens 314
growth rates 103-4
hormone treatment to produce
all-male broods 311
intensive cage culture 231
introductions 22, 25-7, 29, 86
L. Kinneret 41-3
male sex-protein 274
L. Mariout 104
methallibure suppresses gonad
development 314
minimum temperature for repro-
duction 34
omnivorous 41
origin of name 4
pH tolerance 123
in polyculture 190,193
pond culture at very high densities 188
population parameters 75
potential in cage culture 240-5
production of all-male hybrids 310
pure strains at Kibbutz Ein Hamifrats
L. Qarun 38-9
reproduction affected by salinity
salinity, survival, and growth 121
salinity and temperature tolerance 37
salinity tolerance 37-8, 124
seasonal feeding activity 42-3
semi-intensive cage culture 223-4
serum transferrins 272
sex determination 275-6
sex ratio and temperature 314
sometimes found with S. niloticus 332

spawning frequency 319-21,323
spawning successfully in floating cages
spinal deformities 258-9
temperature and salinity tolerance 37
temperature tolerance 35,120-1,125,
trials with various feedstuffs 198-200
yields in ponds receiving manure 198
S. caroli, L. Barombi Mbo 8, 23, 86,100
S. caudomarginatus, in Guinea-Ghana
coast rivers 23
S. esculentus, age at first maturity 336,
breeding behavior studies 43
breeding in L. Victoria 44,46
cage culture 206
carbon dioxide tolerance 40
depth in L. Victoria 33
diet 144
distribution 22,23,86
eats phytoplankton 41
growth rates 103
home range in L. Victoria 55
hybridization with S. niloticus 55, 102
hybrids 102
introduced to lakes in Ruwanda 24
introduced to lakes in Uganda 24
introductions 22,86
introductions that were failures 55
Koki lakes 26
L. Kyoga 23,26
L. Nabugabo 23,29
L. Nkugute 26,102
oxygen tolerance and haemoglobin 40
Pangani R. system 97
pharyngeal teeth 142
population parameters 75
schooling in L. Victoria 54
semi-intensive cage culture 223-4
size at maturity varies 110
spawning in L. Victoria 92
temperature tolerance 35
L. Victoria 8,21,23,26,33,44,46,
S. franchettii, in L. Afrera 7
distribution 10
teeth 7
S. galilaeus, biparental 68
in the Bitter Lakes 38
breeding behavior studies 44
breeding habits 8
and cage culture 206
Chilodonella infections 249
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