The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

production of all-male hybrids 311
production, yield and turnover in
natural waters 106
size at first maturity 90
spawning in L. Victoria 92
temperature 35
in L. Victoria 21,26,91-3
S. lidole, breeding in L. Malawi 44-5
distribution 23,86
growth rates 103
L. Malawi 8,23,52, 54, 97-8
and Malawi species flock 8
migration in L. Malawi 52,54
population parameters 75
schooling 54
S. linnellii, in L. Barombi Mbo 8, 23, 86,
5'. lohbergeri, in L. Barombi Mbo 23, 86,
feeds on aufwuchs 100
S. macrochir, all-male hybrid crosses
281-2, 302
allopatric speciation 8
breeding behavior studies 44
breeding in L. Lufira 45
breeding in L. Mcnwaine 45
breeding in Shaba 45
R. Buzi 25
carbon dioxide tolerance 40
culture 11
depth in L. McIlwaine 33
diet restricted 41
distribution 18, 20, 86
distribution in L. Mweru Wantipa 52
eats phytoplankton and epilithic
algae 41
fecundity 94
growth rates 103-4
introductions 24, 29, 55-6, 73
L. Itasy 56
L. Kafue 86
R. Kafue 95
L. Lusiwashi 24,26
L. Mcnwaine 24,50
migration in L. Mweru 52, 54
migrations in the Mweru/Luapula
system 94
moderately aggressive 49
L. Mwadingusha 48,50,73
L. Mweru 39,52,54
L. Mweru Wantipa 38,52
Nemakia mangrove swamp 38
origin of name 4

oxygen tolerance and haemoglobin 40
pond culture 198
production of dl-male hybrids 310
production, yield, and turnover in
natural waters 106-7
salinity tolerance 38
schooling 54
spawning behavior 47
and subgenus, Nyasalapia 7
temperature and swimming per-
formance 34
temperature tolerance 35
volcano-nest' and 'star-nest' subspecies
in the Zambezi system 21. 93-6
S. mortimeri, breeding in R. Zambezi 45
and changes in L. Kariba 337
distribution 18,86
introduced to Zimbabwe lakes 24
introduction to L. Kariba failed 56
introductions 21
natural distribution 21
temperature tolerance 35
in the Zambezi system 18, 93-6
S. melanotheron, allopatric speciation 8
breeding behavior studies 44
breeding habits 7
cage culture 206
diet 144
distribution 20-1,86
eggs and alevins 48
euryhaline 38
guarding the young 48
introductions 21,29
long intestine 142
male carries the young 68
mass production of fry and
fingerlings 215
origin of name 4
paternal mouthbrooder 6
salinity tolerance 38
stenothermal 37
temperature tolerance 35
the type-species 6
typifies the subgenus 6
in West African lagoons 37,101
S. monodi, see S. aureus
S. rnossambicus, adaptive response in
L. Sibaya 75-7
all-male hybrid crosses 279-81,290,
302-3, 307
allopatric speciation 8, 332
appearance of transplanted fish 333-4
aquaculture 185
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