The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

common species in L. Chad 85
depth in L. Kainji 33
diet 41,144
distribution 9,16-17,21,86
dominant in several man-made
lakes 87
eats blue-green algae 41
ecology 85-7
eggs and alevins 48
eggs left for some minutes on substrate
feebly aggressive 49
feeding of alevins 42
and fish culture 10
growth rates 10, 103-4
guarding the young 48
home range in R. Sokoto 55
immunological studies 13
introductions 21
L. Kainji 33, 50-1
L. Kinneret 41-2
L. Kotto 100
lower temperature limits summarized
male sex-protein 274
minimum temperature for reproduc-
tion 34
L. Nasser 50
R. Nile 21
origin of name 4
population parameters 75
salinity, survival, and growth 121
salinity tolerance 38,124
schooling 54
seasonal changes in feeding 42-3
selective feeder 41
Soudanian region 85
temperature and swimming per-
formance 34
temperature tolerance 35
typifies the subgenus 6
Ubangi-Uele system 17
L. Volta 86-7
S. galilaeus multifasciatus, L. Bosumtwi
23,86, 99
breeding habits 100
feeds at night 99
S. girigan, distribution 23
L. Jipe 23,25
R. Pangani 25
S. grahami
see S. alcalicus gmhami
S. hornorum, all-male hybrid crosses 192,

allopatric speciation 332
culture 11
dependable male parent of all-male
hybrids 303
distribution 22
euryhaline 38
introductions 22,25-7,30
male figured 308
pure genetic strain and all-male
hybrids 285
salinity tolerance 38
sex determination 275-6
temperature tolerance 120,298
in Zanzibar 25
S. hunten; L. Chala 23, 25
distribution 23
S. jipe, diet 144
distribution 23,86
in L. Jipe 23, 25
in Pangani R. system 25,97
speciation problems 332
S. karomo, breeding arenas in Malagarasi
swamps 47
breeding arenas in L. Victoria 47
breeding behavior studies 44
distribution 23,86
Malagarasi swamps 8, 23,47,97
specialized teeth and feeding habits 8
S. karongae, distribution 23,86
L. Malawi 23, 97-8
Malawi species flock 8
R. Pangani 23
S. lepidurus, distribution 20
introductions 20
S, leucostictus, L. Albert 23
altitude and distribution 34
breeding behavior studies 44
breeding in equatorial waters 134
breeding in L. Naivasha 44-5
decline in size-at-maturity 110
diet 144
distribution 23,86
ecology in various lakes 87
L. Edward 23,87
established rapidly 91
fecundity 90-1
L. George 23, 51,87
hybrids 56,102
introductions 73,91
L. Kyoga 26
L. Naivasha 26
population parameters 75
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