The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

breeding in L. Bosumtwi 46
depth in L. Bosumtwi 33
guarding the young 48
S. mvogoi, in R. Nyong 23
S. niloticus, acclimation and temperature
preferundum 121
aggressive 49
all-male growth rates 192
all-male hybrid crosses 192,194-7,
280-8,290-1,294-7, 299-304,
altitude and distribution 34
anaphylactic reaction 260
aquaculture 185
assimilation efficiency 152
in the Bitter Lakes 38
breeding behavior studies 44
breeding size fell with increased fishing
breeds throughout the year 87
L. Bunyoni 26
cage culture 206,213,218,220
carbon assimilation 41
condition and length at first
maturity 89
cultured in floating cages 209
daily feeding ration 225-7
decline in length at first maturity 110
depth in L. Kainji 33
diet 144,176
digestion studies 146, 341
dissolved oxygen 122,211
distribution 20,86
diurnal feeding 43
dwarfs 87, 89
eats blue-green algae 41
ecology 85-90
L. Edward 21
effect of fishing in L. George 90
eggs and alevins 48
experiments with presentation of feed
extensive cage culture in heated ponds
factors affecting females spawning
fecundity 319, 321-2, 324
feed conversion ratios 199,215,230
figured 308
food consumption estimated 168
fry production at L. Kossou 213
L. George 21,40,43, 51

given 5 meals daily 227
growth rates 103-4,213
home range in R. Sokoto 55
hormone treatment to produce all-
female broods 311-12
in hot spring 37
hybrids 26,56,102,192,194-7, 280-8,
290-1, 294-7,299-304,307,310
ideal artificial diet 225
intensive cage culture 232-3,236
introductions 20,24-9,55,57,86,91
L. Itasy 28
L. Kainji 33,50-1
killed by myxosporidians in the Ivory
coast 262
kills in L. George 40
Koki Lakes 26
L. Kyoga 26
larval anomalies 260
length frequency distributions in
various waters 88
length at maturity and condition 88-9,
male sex-protein 274
in man-made lakes 87
mass production of fry and fingerlings
minimum temperature for repro-
duction 34
L. Mohasi 36
mortalities and dissolved oxygen 237
mosquito control 24
L. Mutanda 36
L. Nabugabo 39
L. Nasser 50
R. Nile 21
L. Nkugute 26,102
nuclear power station 29
omnivorous 4
origin and distribution 17
origin of name 4
parasitism and mortality 236
pond culture yields 197
population parameters 75
potential in cage culture 240-5
production, yield, and turnover in
natural waters 106
pure genetic strain and all-male
hybrids 285
L. Qarun 38-9
reproduction and salinity 314
reproductive habits 4
salinity tolerance 38
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