220 Notu to Pagu 29-39
Chapter 4: Revt/ation, K110wledge
- Quran, 96:1-5.
- Hadith reported by Aishah and authenticated by a1-Bukhari and Muslim.
- Ibid.
- In the above-quoted hadith, Aishah reports that they went together, where-
as Ibn Hisham (As-Sirah an-Nabau'flyab [Beirut: Dar al-JiI, n.d.], 2:73) states
that she first went alone, and that Waraqah ibn Nawfal met the Prophet later. - Ibn Hisham, .A.s-Sirah an-NabalJiiy;·oh, 2:73-74.
- Ibid., 2;74.
- Hadith reported by Aishah and authenticated by al-Bukhari and Muslim.
- Quran, 2:31.
- "Your Lord said to the angels: '1 will certainly establish a vicegerent [khali-
fah] on earth'" (Quran, 2:30).
to. Quean, 68:1--6. This surah is often classified as the second in the chronolog-
ical order of Revelation. - Hadith reported by Aishah and authenticated by aI-Bukhari and Muslim.
- Quran, 74:1-5.
- Al-Bukhari,91:1.
- Quran, 93:1-5.
- They all died when Muhammad was still alive, except for Fatimah, who died
six months after him. - And the mother of all his children, except for Ibrahim, whom Muhammad
had with the Copt /l.hriyah and who also died in infancy. - In a hadith reported by al-Bukhari (1:1), Ibn Abbas relates the painful char-
acter of the moment of Revelation: " T he Messenger of God tried to
appease the suffering occasioned by Revelation" by moving his lips, hence
the verses "Do not move your tongue concerning the [Quran] to make haste
with it. It is for Us to collect it and to recite it. But when We have recited it,
follow its recital" (Quean, 75:16-18).
Cbapler 5: Tbe Message and Adversity
- Quran, 26:214.
- Ibn Hisham, As·Sirah an-Naba"f1yoh (Beirut: Dar al-Jil, n.d.), 2:98-99.
- Because of this status, the Quran answered him in a later Revelation, using
the same formula with the additional aesthetic power of assonance and can·
sonance in the Arabic words: 'Tabat yada Abi u habin wotabn (let the hands
of Abu Lahab perish, let him perish). Quean, 111:1. - Quran, 15:94.