In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

Nolu to PtIjU 11-27^219

  1. Quran, 93:&-11.

  2. Prophetic trndition (hadith) reported by al-Bukhari.

  3. Quran, 41 :39.

  4. Quran,3:190.

  5. Quran, 2:1 64.

  6. Ib n Hisham, AJ-Sirah afH'labml!1Jah, 1:301.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Ibid.,302.

  9. Hadith reported by I\I uslim. In Islamic tradition, jinns arc spirits who can be
    incarnated o r not and who can be virtuous or evil. Like human beings, they
    are free to believe o r not_

  10. The Lotus o f the Utmost Boundary is mentioned in the Quran and refers fO
    the limit beyond which it is impossible to go while being in the presence of
    1 9. AI-Mustafa is one of dIe P rophet Muhammad's names.

  11. Quran, 94:1-4.

  12. Quran, 94 :5-6.

  13. Hadith reported by al-Bukhari. Sec also Ibn Hisham, AJ-Simh an-Nabau'i1Jnh,

Chapter 3: Persolla/it;· and Spiritual Quu t

  1. See Ibn Hisham, AsSirah an-J,\fabau.!1Jah (Beirut: Dar al-Jil, n.d.), 1 :319.

  2. Ibid., 321.

  3. The Quraysh were a powerful l\lecean tribe, desccndants of Qusayy, who
    were prosperous merchants largely controlling trade in the rebrion.

  4. Hadith reported by Ibn l shaq and Ibn Hisham and confirmed as authentic
    by,rarious sources, including al-H amidi, and pard), b y Imam Ahmad.

  5. Hadith reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.

  6. Ibn Hisham reports an episode with a monk who, having seen Muhammad
    sitting under a tree, told i\1arsarah that this young man "could only be a
    Prophet." See tbn Hisham, As-Sirab an.Nabau'i1'Yah, 2 :6.

  7. See Ibn l-lisham, AsSiruh an-NabauilJah, 2:6--8. See also Ibn Sayyid an-Nas,
    UyHn al·A/bar (Medina: D ar at -T urath, 1996), 8{)....81.

  8. l.Iuhammad was subsequendy often ailled Abu al-Qasim (father of Qasim) ,
    and some prophetic traditio ns refer to the Prophet by this name.

  9. He was to bear that name until Revelation commanded that all adoptive chil-
    dren kee p their family names when known (Qutan, 33:4-5) in order to draw
    a dear distinction bet\lleen blood kinship and the StatuS o f the adopted child.

  10. Ibn Hisham. AsSirah u"-NubaN"iIYah, 2:66--67.

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