In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

222 Notu fa Pages 52-65

  1. Quran, 41:1-10. Ha and mim are Arabic letters; as noted previously, their
    presence in Revelation is not explained. The appropriate translatio n is "puri-
    fying social tax" which covetS the three dimensions of the concept of zakat:
    It is a duty before God and mav; it is levied for dIe benefit o f the poor in
    society; the believer's conscience is appeased in the knowledge that his/ her
    property is purified by fulfilling the right of God and man.

  2. Quran, 25:52.

  3. Quran, 29:64.
    S. Quran, 53 :29-31.

  4. Hadith reported byal-Bukhari.

  5. Quran, 16: 1 06.

  6. Quran, 10:78.

  7. Quran, 112.

  8. Quran, 109. This surah was revealed when some Qura),sh leaders suggested
    a kind of syncretism betvieen their fo refathers' polytheisti c religion and the
    monotheism brought by the Prophet. Revelation's answer is clear and final;
    it determines the inescapable character of the distinction while implicitly
    opening the way to the injunction of mutual respect.

  9. Tbn Hisham, As-5irah an-Nabau'!JJ'ah (Beirut: Dar al-Jil, n.d.), 2: 140.

  10. Quran, 18:23--24.

  11. Quean, 17:85.

  12. Quean, 18:60-82.

  13. Ibn Hisham, AJ-5imh an-Nabawj)')'ah, 2:164.

  14. Present-day Ethiopia.

  15. Quran, 19:16--21.

  16. Tbn Hisham, AJ-5irah an-Nabau'!JJ'ah, 2:180.

  17. Ibid., 2:181.

Chapter 7: Trials, Elevation, and Hopes

  1. Tbn Hisham, AJ-5irah an-Naba/J-'!JJ'ah (Beirut: D ar al-Jil, n.d.), 2:189.

  2. Quran,20:1-8.

  3. Quran,20:14.

  4. Abu al-Hakam was, as mentioned before, the name of the man who m the
    Mu~lims had nicknamed Abu Jahl because of his limitless cruelty toward

  5. From that day on, Umar was nicknamed Al-Faruq (the one who draws a dis-
    tinction) in reference to his determination to distinguish the Muslim com-
    munity (having accepted the message as true) from the Quraysh (stubborn
    in ignorance, aI·philpob).

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