Nolu fD Pdgu 68-85^223
- Quran, 2: 187.
- Quran, 28:56.
- I bn Hisham, As-Sirah all-Naball-iIJah, 2:268.
- Ibid., 2:269.
- D ifferences cxi~t in classical sources tclling of the P ro phet's life :as to the
chronology of tvems: the account of the NightJourney sometimes precedes
that of the Year of Sorrow.
II. The re were initially [0 be fifty prayers, but the number was reduced to five
:after Successive requests from the Prophet :acting on Moses's advice. - Quran, 2 :285. T he return to G od refers to the idea of th e hereafter and the
Last Judgment. A prophetic tradition (hadith) reported by Umar ibn al-
Khanab and :authenticated by a1-Bukhari and Muslim mentions the sixth of
the pillars of faith (aria" al-i"/(1II) that constitute the j\·l uslim creed (a/-aqidah):
belief in fate (a/-qadr u'af qada) whether good or evil. - Quran, 1 7:1.
- Quran,53:4-18.
- Ibn Hisham, AJ-Sirah a1/-Naba9izyah, 2 :256.
- Tbadat includes the rciih>1OUS duties of worship required of all Muslims who
are of age and of sound body and mind. They include the profession of
faith (sbahadah), prayer (Iala!), purifying social t~x (zaka.." fasting (IOU.""'), and
pilgrimage to Mc<:ca (hqiJ). - Ibid., 2:281.
- Ibid., 2:28 1 -82.
- Q uran, 60 :8--9.
- Quran,39:53-54.
- Urn Habibah was later to marry the Prophet.
Chapter 8: H!/rah
- Q uran, 1 3: It.
- Quran, 9:40.
- Hadith reponed by al-Bukhari.
- :Muslims still turned toward Jerusalem for ritual prayer.
- Hadith reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.
- Q uran, 39: I O.
- Quran, 16:4 1 -42.
- Hadith fl:ported by Ibn ~1ajah. Ansar (helpers) was the name given to
Me<.!ina Muslims while Mecca-born t-,·Iuslims were henceforth calJe<.! Muhaji-
run (exiles).