lVolu to Pagti 192 - 202^231
29. Hadith repo rted by al-Bukhari and f-Iuslim.
30. Ibn Hisham, A ,-Sirah an-NabawiJyah, 5:211.
- Quran, 9:10 7 -8.
- Hadith reported by al-Bayhaqi.
- Q uran, 3:8.
- Hadith reponed b y Ahmad and at-Tirmidhi.
- Quran, 110:1-3.
- Hadith reponed by al-Bukhari.
- Hadith reported by Muslim.
- The number of pilgrims was between 124,000 and 144,000, according to dif-
ferent accounts. - In i\1arch or April 632 CEo
- Thn Hisham, As-Sirah an-Nabau·&;'ah, 6:9.
- Ibid.
- I bid.
43. Ibid., 6:10.
44, Ibid.
4 5. Quran, 5:3.
Chapter 15: Debtless
- During the nimh year of Hijrah, according to the majority of traditionists
and schokrs in I slamic law and jurisprudence ifuqaha). - Hadith reported by at-T irmidhi and Abu Da\--ud.
- Some mditiomsts mention, among the Prophet's Companions who were to
take pan in that expedition, the names of Abu Bakr, Ali, and Uthman; how-
ever, they are not unanimous about who actually wem. - Ibn Hisham, As-Sirah an-Nabawi.1Jah (Beirut: D ar al-JD, n.d.), 6;12 n. 3.
- Literally, "Let the blood of women, children and old people !lever soil your
hands." - Ibn Jarir at-Tabari, Tarik)) ar-RJ/Suf waf-Mllfllk (Cairo: al-!\Iatbaah al-
Husaniyyah, 1905),3:213--14. - Ibn Hisham, Ar-Sirah an-j'\labauiJyah, 5:127.
8. Hadith reported b y Ibn H anbal. - Quran, 8:61.
10, Hadith reponed by Ahmad and Ibn Majah. - The Prophet said in this respect: "When a believer performs ablutions and
washes his face, all the sins he has committed with his eyes are washed a\Vl1.)';
when he washes his hands, all the sins he has committed with his hands are