In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

232 N~fU ftJ Pagu 702-209

washed away; when he washes his feet, all the sins toward which he has
stepped are washed away" (hadith reported by Abu D awud).

  1. The preoccupations of the two ecologies are eventually bound to meet eveo
    though their sources differ.

  2. Hadith reported by Ahmad.

  3. Hadith reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.

  4. Hadith reported by al-8 ukhari and Muslim.
    16. Hadith reported byal-Bukhaci.
    1 7. "\X/hen you do something, do it with mastery rlI1 the best possible manner]"
    (hadith repo rted b y al-Bukhari and Muslim).
    18. H adith reported by an-Nasai.
    19. An elevated chair from which the imam addresses the faithful in a mosque.
    20. Hadith reponed by al-Bukhari.
    21. All the facts narrated here are reported by all of the reference traditionists,
    but there are sometimes differences in thdr chronology or the time when
    they actually took place: the speech in the mosque, th e transfer to Aishah's,
    the prayers in the mosque, etc.
    22. Hadith reponed by fI.-talik.
    23. This injunction never to lapse into the woTShip of human bdngs explains
    why prophets cannot be represented in classical Islamic tradition. P ictures,
    like carved statues, arc by essence liable to fix human imagination on an
    object or a being that can come to be idealized or worshiped because of, and
    through, their representation. One should follow the prophets' teaching and
    not thdr persons: they ate paths that guide people and bring them closer to
    God. A believer reaches toward God's presence and love, but the Being and
    His Presence transcend all that humans can represent or imagine. Faith is
    thus a disposition of the heart, not of the imagination and its images.
    24. Ibn Hisham, As-SimI, an-NabautiJJab, 6:64.
    25. Tbid. (hadith also reported byal-Bukhan).
    26. Hadith reported by aI-Bukhari.
    27. Hadith reported by at-Tirmidhi.
    28. Quran,4:69.
    29. Ibn Hisham, As-Sirah an-Naba/}!vah, 6:73 n. 1.
    30. Quran, 33:56.
    31. Quean, 9: 128.
    32. Ibn .I-:lisham, As-Sirah an-Nabawf1yah, 6:75-76.
    33. Quran,3: 144.

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