P-ople of the Perf_mo, 10
pe,m,,,,,,,,, (Ntkh.~, 104
pens«Uhon ..,d OWn:s"OIl
.n<! <mig",tiun. 59-60, 86
:md k"1nH I,)"",. T7
.1><1 'he Poe! of ,he Vi,n.ou"
ond th< Qu"y,h; 53
f<jcction <>f, 1%
. nd Jk,."lotiom, 32-33
P.rn.ncmpirc, 149, 161, 187-88
Pru.uoh, 169
,h. haJJ, 195--97, 199, U'n. 16,
2280 .2, 229o. IIJ, 231n. 28
and the K.bo, 191
k '<cr pJJgnm.ge (Nm""'), 1"10--7)
to M.«., 15{>-51
negOTi.,ion, over, 151-53
typ<o, 22~n_ 2
pillin of hum. .f" oJ", p",ycr
ooJificauon of, 199
r .. ting (u,",mj, 11 1, 113, 17'>,
223n. 16
""d fato, 223n. 12
and the Islamic <reed, 71 , 221 n.
pjl" grirn~ ,0 M""". (;",pl.
t 95-97, 19'\ 223n. 16, 228n.
2, 229n. 10, 23111. 28
prof."ion of fo. h (~,h-J""
/huJah),37, 175- 76 , lHS, 2230.
!\n'd.tion '" of, 73
sociol "~ (t4~~, 51, 93, 181,
1')'), 22.2n. 2, 223n. 16
plur:;ili,m, 98
po<tty, 186-87
politic" 43--49, 55--5(;, 91
polygamy, 75 , 227<. 16
1!I Moe<1, 9, 224", 16
in Medin., 89
Muh. m mod on, 2()4
.n<! the Qur>.y'''' 39
.nd ooci:tl iu,dce, 22
.nJ 'm"",d,m, 222n, 10
poverty and ,ne irr~,O\'eri,n«l
.n<! hUm. h, 11'
of Muh:unmad, 11, 33--34, 38
.nd Muh;mm.ds de" h, 2f.f1
Muh.mm.d~ treatmeo, of,
2 12-13
.nd R,m.d. n, ] 50
onJ soci.1 equity, 48--4 9
and the .poil, of W"', 184
.nd Z.yo.b, 134
pnyer (uldj
.ml .blu,ion., 42, 64, 177, 202.
231-32n. It
for the .bse.o. dcccosed ("''''' ~t
UI Q.J.:i~, Ad.l."^62 69
colt to pm~, 9.\ 168
rnd cluldren, 213--t 4, 233n. 6
<il«crion of (q'w,,), 73--74,
o.oJ gende< ",1"i011'. 148
.nd idol.try, 190-91
.nd !sUmic .uthority, 144-45.
:md the 1,lomic creed, 7]
1lld Muhamm.d's ilIn" .. 205
nigh, pro)'er. 42----43, S&, I]].
- 149---50.21 1
number of pro)'e .... 223n. 11
ond pilgrim,ge to Mecc • • 177
for the Prophet, 217n. I
:md 00001 C<jwt)', 118- 19
.lid ",:ott .. e, 141 --4~
,"'O"hip dU';e., 2230. 16
pric .... 115. 116
pri.o""" of WH, 106, BO, 145-46
pm .... lik of Muh;mm.J, 74,
168- 70
profe .. ion of foith (a!j,.:/ulfuJah).
.• 7, 17S_76, 185 , 223n. 16
Prometheus. 6
prophecie., 12. S .. al,. ';gn' .nd
p'''phe". od rrophe'n<:<;>d
cycle of prophcthood 1
and the h l:unk crecd. 221n. 8
.nd ~s<ngen, 21Sn 1
. od Mun.mmad', hw",nit}', x
.nd the "ightJourfIC); 71
and polirlaU power, S5-56
propne,ic mission, 39
propn"'ic t"'clition. 14S.
199 _200,2240.28
Qur1ll on, 6-7
""I of P'''Pneth<:>nd ~I"" ~ •.
.igru; of, 19---20
Tbt Proplxl's Lj< (Ibn 11 i>ru.m),
purifjcorion, 15, 42. JH.n, .blu·
Qamus, 163
Q~>;m ~Iuh~"'m.,j', .on). 23 , H,
Q ....... (cuncl), 82, S:J....i=4, 15],
Qaynu<.p. (d.n), 107 -9, 131. 162
Qub.J}, l!7-8S, 19 .;
<>--on Abroham. 2, 3. 4-6
<>n Abu Loh.b, 106
Bible compared to, 218 ft. 8
on comul",rion (,hMr"!, ]27
on 'he de",", 11. 12-13
on erue<, 181
f,," ""'''11, 29, 30-31. 64
on hypocrion.J mo"' go or. 39-44
on rnu""the" rn, 115
:md IT>luh.mmad', ethics. ,
Muhammad', re,i,.,,,,,, of,
Muhammad'. '".ching> on, n.
on number of ,,~vCl, 136
on orph1llhood 1<Id puvcrti of
on "people of Ihe Book,". 9
.nd persc<",ioft. 63--64
on rol,-g.m,-, 2270 16
()fl prophe", 6-7
on purificorion. 15
on rd.don, " .. ith non,Mudms,
on religious ,oIeronce, 116
K .... el .. oon 01; "l}/-j(,
on role of Muh.mmad, ix
on sociol iu,rice, 90
un ' pintualit}', 135
"",us of, 4 1---42
011 trial, of f.i.h, 7, 16
TIl< Quran\ Bride (.unh), 221 n. 6
Quny.h (don)
.ruck on Modin., 137---42
.nd .... b.lli,hmen. , of Mu,lirn~
l,.,tIc of Badr, 104-5, \05-7
bmle o f Hu.oarn Volley, 182
b .. tle of Uhud, t 22 - 25
coro~n, ''',"cl:«I. 100
and CO<l,,,'-';ons. 38
. nd th~ eo,'CJl1ll' of 01-
HuJ. ybi))·.h, 157. 170-71.
ond emignrion o f IT>lu ,linu,
78--79, 82 , 84----87
""d eXI""dition. 160
h",tilitics ,,-ith Mu slim" 46,
51 _53,55,59-60,65-66,68,
72, \01-3, 129
iO'lwrie •• bout Mu h. mmod,
md in<crtrib21 conflict, 95,
1!ld "'-" Je""h tribes, 1 00
.nd iu,tice. 20
onJ ,h. K.b., 2S
origin of, 219n. 3
:md tho pllgrimoge to Mecca.
15C}-51. 151S3, 177 79
1' 1 0" 'gain" Muhommad, 107---l!
1ru1 polytheism, 39
.ruI ><xi.] uphomil, 55-56
.nd the ,poW o f ",ar, 1 84-86
Qu""y<an (cI.n)
.nd Abu Lub.b. h, 133
.nd .he R."u Nadi" 131
.. .d the b.tt1e of the Moat.
beSJegod, 144-46
.ruI Kh.yb .. , 162-63
. 1""., 137
Qu,.yy. 21 ')n. J