Poetry for Students Vol. 10

(Martin Jones) #1


Greg Barnhisel:Greg Barnhisel holds a Ph.D.
in American Literture from the University of Texas
at Austin. He has taught English as Assistant Pro-
fessor at Southwestern University in Georgetown,
Texas. He has published articles on Ezra Pound,
and has worked as a freelance writer and editor.
Entry on The Phoenix. Original essays on Black Zo-
diac, The Hiding Place, and The Phoenix.

Jonathan N. Barron:Jonathan N. Barron is
associate professor of English at the University of
Southern Mississippi. He has co-edited Jewish
American Poetry (forthcoming from University
Press of New England), Robert Frost at the Mil-
lennium(forthcoming from University of Missouri
Press), as well as a forthcoming collection of es-
says on the poetic movement, New Formalism. Be-
ginning in 2001, he will be the editor-in-chief of
The Robert Frost Review. Original essay on Land-
scape with Tractor.

Greg R. Bernard:Bernard has an M.A. in
English literature from Bemidji State University in
Bemidji, MN, where he is also an English instruc-
tor. Entry on Dulce et decorum est.

Adrian Blevins:Adrian Blevins, a poet and
essayist who has taught at Hollins University,
Sweet Briar College, and in the Virginia Commu-
nity College System, is the author of The Man Who
Went Out for Cigarettes, a chapbook of poems, and
has published poems, stories, and essays in many
magazines, journals, and anthologies. Original es-
say on Landscape with Tractor.

Chloe Bolan:Bolan teaches English as an ad-
junct at Columbia College of Missouri extensions
in Lake County and Crystal Lake, IL. She writes
plays, short stories, poems and essays and is cur-
rently working on a novel. Original essay on The
Negro Speaks of Rivers.
David Caplan:Caplan is a doctoral candidate
at the University of Virginia, writing a dissertation
on contemporary poetry. Original essay on Black
Jeanine Johnson:Johnson received her Ph.D.
from Yale University and is currently visiting as-
sistant professor of English at Wake Forest Uni-
versity. Original essays on Dear Reader, Funeral
Blues, andPhoenix.
Elizabeth Judd:Judd is a freelance writer and
book reviewer with an M.F.A. in English from the
University of Michigan and a B.A. from Yale.
Original essay on A Birthday.
David Kelly:David Kelly is an instructor of
creative writing at several community colleges in
Illinois, as well as a fiction writer and playwright.
Entries on Driftersand A Farewell to English.
Original essays on Ballad of Orange and Grape,
Drifters, and A Farewell to English.
Judi Ketteler:Ketteler has taught Literature
and English Composition and is currently a free-
lance writer based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Entry on Al-
abama Centennial. Original essay on Alabama

Volume 10 xix

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