Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
éæÈèئن ۾ êïìـ èـ


.ـôـêôآîـِ آذ،ر ا،Âë،ر ،

( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)

You pose yourself as the reciter of Kalima

the faith is not like that

Your heart bears deceit, disbelief and Satan (evil)

By face you appear to be a believer

inside you are an idol worshipper.

، ابÆôæ ۾ Ùئد،ت، ،و’ïº ÷òÇðـ èـ ́ ـ،ـí êïìـ èـ

ـô¶ِÀـ،ـبـ Àئم ا،î’و


Œ‘ئêô؟ íë íîð— ي—ـ،ـ ،

( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)

Your face is as pure as that of Moses

but the habits are as those of Satan

Why don't you throw out

such a crude rogue from your soul.

،òëئÔôÊ تÄôÇ ،و’ïº ÷òÇðـ èـ í ́ êïìـ èـ

Œ‘ئêô؟ íë íî𗠗ي ،òëاÄôب بئزي

( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)

Your face is as pure as that of Moses

but the character is that of Satan

Why don't you throw

such worthless deceit from your innerself.


،ðóو واpئڻئن ،ðôƒ כÄ ́ ئنéô×Ú ́

،ðô} íëð— آòî ò ́ ا ،ðº Íئ½ا Çـ،ـ‘ òμº
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