Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1

؟ èـ،ـÆ †ئئêôو ð{óو ،êôرئ𗠗ئڳÄ ðƒ ðŒ


.ـ’،óئ ºـ ـئئئêôِºـ ا،pـ،ـÄ، ، ڏ،س ́ ئئئêô ڏور

( 5 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)

Why do you continue writing on papers wasting ink?

Seek directly your way to Allah

where from the manuscripts are primarily composite.



اوڙ،، Çـ،ـÂìي ـÞ، ا،åـ ۾، êôôـîـِ ـ¹

.ئò،ƒ مðæÚè òئئï»ìè ،،ڙð— òº ـμئبـ،ـê—ـِ í ́

( 5 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)

Do sketch the figure of Alif (A) in your mind

It will impart the knowledge of innumerable books.

،،نð— Äjوڙي ò— ،òئƒ íë ôÙئن ò— ا،ڻ

.ئêô èئڙðî òئôj íë êïìè ،،نðÇ òïôº ònÇ

( 8 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)

The divine mystery not yet disclosed remains secret

What is revealed, none comprehends

It is genuine like gold, but people fail to understand.

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