Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
وÇئر، Ç و،ر،ق، ،ðº اÞå íî’j اÄp

.اÄμô— êóÂìî’j ìjئ اºئر، نð ́ اÂëر

( 5 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)

Study the letter of “Alif and forget all other pages

Purge your soul, reading pages won't benefit you.

، ڏوه ڏðz êئô ́ êئô ́ و،ر،ائêô، و،ر،ق، ºئê ºئê

.êóÄkÇ íë ðôîر رîڻòھ òº ؟ —ðه —بð —ـ،ـïڻòھ êïì ́

( 5 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)

So long they turn over the pages

the more they come across sins

What would you do to that vast knowledge

if your Beloved is separated from you?

pـ ê ́


، رک mئïôåئ çô— ـ»Äو، ½ـ èـ،ـê يـ‘

؟ اoå Äïj اzئò ،êôئ‰ ðj ðô‰ ðj íë —ðه

.Çئðïèن ڏاêïë êïì— Ç! jـ،ـÄ،ک jئڻ نð ́ ́ ئن

( 5 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)

Making the body a mosque

the heart a chamber for contemplation

observe not only the forty days conventional meditation

Remember the Invisible (Lord) all the times

then you will know by yourself

that He is every where.

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