The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1

schrift fiir Qassische Philologie, XV (1898), 567-579; #by Leopold
Cohn, "Philo von Alexandria," Neue Jahrbiicher fur das h}assische Al-
tertum, I (1898), 514-540; by M. F., Literarisches Centralblatt fur
Deutschland, [XLIX] (1898), 727 f.; by H. G., Revue des etudes grec-
ques, XI (1898), 350 f.; by A. L., Revue critique d'histoire et de littera-
ture, XXXII, i (N.S. XLV) (1898), 264-266; by C. Siegfried, Deutsche
Litteraturzeitung, XIX (1898), 579-581; by P. Wendland, Berliner
philologische Wochenschrift, XVIII (1898), 330-333; by Is. van Dijk,
Museum: Maandblad voor philologie en geschiedenis, VII (1899), 58-
61; and tby Louis Saltet, "Philon le Juif a propos d'un livre recent,"
Revue des questions historiques, LXV (N.S. XXI) (1899), 214-226.

  1. Trubetzkoi, S. N., "Philon und seine Vorlaufer" (Russian), Voprosy
    filosofii i psi\hologii, VIII (1898), 813-866 and IX (1898), 138-183.
    6i7.f Blum, Eugene, "Philon d'Alexandrie," La grande encyclopedic, Paris,
    [1899], XXVI, 698-705.
    6i8.f [Anonymous], "Philos Leben, Wirken und Einfluss," in Adolf Brail's
    Popular-wissenschaftliche Monatsblattcr zur Belehrung iiber das Ju-
    dentum fiir Gebildete aller Konfessionen, XX (1900), 35-37.
    A report of the substance of a lecture by Salomon Kaufmann.

  2. Pfleiderer, Otto, Das Urchristentum, seine Schriften und Lehren, 2nd
    edit., Berlin, 1902, II, 1-16, 25-54.

  3. Pitkin, Walter Boughton, "Philo Judaeus," The Hartford Seminary Rec­
    ord, XIII (1902-1903), 304-311.

  4. Caird, Edward, "The Philosophy and Theology of Philo," The Evolu­
    tion of Theology in the Gree\ Philosophers, Glasgow, 1904, II, 184-

  5. (The Gifford Lectures delivered in the University of Glasgow in
    Sessions 1900-1 and 1901-2.)
    622 Drummond, James, "Philo," in James Hastings, A Dictionary of the
    Bible, Extra Volume, New York and Edinburgh, 1904 (frequently re­
    printed with later dates, e.g. #i928), 197-208.
    623.1 Treitel, Lfeopold], "Die religions- und kulturgeschichtliche Stellung
    Philos," Theologische Studien und Kritil{en, LXXVII (1904), 380-401.
    Reprinted in no. 643, 66-84.
    Siegfried, Carl, "Philo Judaeus," The Jewish Encyclopedia, New York,
    X, 1905, 6-15.
    625. Martin, Jules, Philon, Paris, 1907, pp. 303. (Les grands philosophes.)
    Reviewed in no. 627.
    Brehier, fimile, Les idees philosophiques et religieuses de Philon
    d'Alexandrie, Paris, 1908, pp. xiv, 336. (fitienne Gilson, Etudes de
    philosophic midiivale, VIII.)
    *Second edition (reprint with revised bibliography), 1925.

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