The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1
enatorum idiomatum historia, multiflici eruditione describuntur &
explicantur, Amsterdam, 1679; see 22-24, 35> I23> 2I7-
1476.* Fabricius, Io[annes] Albertus, Bibliographia Antiquaria sive Intro-
ductio in notitiam scriptorum qui antiquitates hebraicas, graecas, ro-
manas et Christianas scriptis illustrarunt. Editio tertia ex mscpto B.
auctoris insigniter locupletata et recentissimorum scriptorum recen-
sione aucta studio et opera Paulli Schaffshavsen, Hamburg, 1760; see
1 f., 258, 262, 30911., 398, 405, 439, 531, 733, 824, 825, 902.

  1. Morgan, Caesar, An Investigation of the Trinity of Plato and of Philo
    Judaeus, and of the effects, which an attachment to their writings had
    upon the principles and reasonings of the fathers of the Christian
    Church, London, 1795, pp. [19], 180; ^edited by H. A. Holden, Cam­
    bridge (England) and London, 1853, pp. xiv, 166.

  2. Jones, John, Ecclesiastical Researches; or, Philo and Josephus proved to
    be historians and apologists of Christ, of his followers, and of the Gos­
    pel, London, 1812, pp. xxx, 564.
    1479.* Neander, Augustus, lectures on the History of Christian Dogmas,
    ed. by J. L. Jacobi and translated from the German by J. E. Ryland,
    London, 1872, 2 vols.; see I, 38-40, 90, 96 f., 106, 117, 134 f., 166, 177,

  3. Kuenen, A[braham], National Religions and Universal Religions,
    New York, 1882,203-221. (The Hibbert Lectures, 1882.)

  4. Forster, Th., Ambrosius, Bischof von Mailand, Halle a. S., 1884, 102-

  5. 1482 .1 Ihm, Max, "Philon und Ambrosius," Neue Jahrbucher fur Philologie
    und Paedagogi\, {Jahrbucher filr classische Philologie), CXLI (1890),

  6. Dienstfertig, Meyer, Die Prophetologie in der Religionsphilosophie des
    ersten nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts, unter besonderer Beachtung der
    Verschiedenheit in den Auffassungen des Philon von Alexandrien und
    des Flavius Josephus, Diss. (Erlangen), Breslau, 1892, pp. 33.

  7. Harnack, Adolf, Geschichte der altchristlichen Litteratur bis Eusebius,
    Leipzig, I, 1893, 858-861.
    1485.* Krumbacher, Karl, Geschichte der byzantinischen Litteratur von Jus­
    tinian bis zum Ende des ostromischen Reiches (527-1453), Miinchen,
    1897; see 126 n., 127 n., 130, 215, 431 n., 552, 696.
    i486. Koch, Hugo, Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita in seinen Beziehungen
    zum Neuplatonismus und Mysterienwesen, Mainz, 1900; see Index.
    (A. Ehrhard and J. P. Kirsch, Forschungen zur Christlichen Littera­
    tur- und Dogmengeschichte, I, 2 and 3.)
    1487 .1 Karppe, S., "Philon et la Patristique," Essais de critique et dfhistoire

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