Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Surveillance for Illness and Injury
While on deployments, including those involving host nation personnel, medics must compile daily sick call
logs to review for any possible disease outbreaks or biological warfare exposures. This tool can be used
to educate host nation personnel in preventive medicine and disease surveillance. The information gathered
must be forwarded to your next higher headquarters and can be used to fill out SODARS reports. Use this
form as a guideline for disease non-battle injury (DNBI) surveillance (next page):

Table 5-6: DNBI Report
Line 2 Strength: a. Male b. Female c. Total
Line 3 Reporting Period: a. DD/MM/YY (Sunday 0001HR) through
b. DD/MM/YY (Saturday 2359HR)
Line 4 Prepared by: a. Name b. Phone c. E-Mail:

Category Initial Total to Rate: Days of Lost Admits
Visits this Date Line_a Light Work to
Period divided Duty Days Hospital
by 2c
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Line 5 Stress Reactions

Line 6 Dermatologic

Line 7 GI, Infectious

Line 8 Gynecologic

Line 9 Heat/Cold Injuries

Line 10 Injury,

Line 11 Injury, MVA

Line 12 Injury, Work

Line 13 Injury, Other

Line 14 Ophthalmologic

Line 15 Psychiatric,
Mental Disorders

Line 16 Respiratory

Line 17 STDs

Line 18 Fever,

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