Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


LCP disease - Legg-Calves-Perthes disease
LDL - low-density lipoprotein
LE - lower extremity
LGV - lymphogranuloma venereum
lig - ligament
LLE - left lower extremity
LLL - left lower lobe (of lung)
LLQ - left lower quadrant
LMA - laryngeal mask airway
LMP - left mentoposterior (position of fetus); last
menstrual period
L/ M - liters per minute
LMWH - low molecular weight heparin
LOC - loss of consciousness; level of
LOD - line of duty
LOM - limitation of motion
LP - lumbar puncture
LQ - lower quadrant
LR - Lactated Ringer’s
L-S - lumbosacral
LTBI - latent tuberculosis infection
LUL - left upper lobe (of lung)
LUQ - left upper quadrant
LV - left ventricular
lymphs - lymphocytes
m - meter
MA - mortuary affairs
ma - milliampere
maint - maintenance
mAs - milliamps
max - maximum
MC - Medical Corps
mc; mCi - millicurie
mcg - microgram
MCHC - mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration or count
MCL - mid clavicular line
MCP - metacarpal phalangeal
MDI - multidirectional instability
MEA/DMSO - monoethylamine/dimethylsulfocxide
MEDCAP - medical civic action program
MEDEVAC - medical evacuation
MEB - medical evaluation board
med - medicine or medication
mEq - milli equivalent
MES - medical equipment set
MET - meteorological; mission essential task
MG - myasthenia gravis
Mg - magnesium
mg - milligram
MHz - megahertz
MI - myocardial infarction
MIA - missing in action

min - minute
misc - miscellaneous
MK1 - MARK 1
ml - milliliter
MMSE - mini mental status exam
mm - millimeter
mm Hg - millimeters of mercury
MOI - mechanism of injury
Mono - mononucleosis
monos - monocytes
MOPP - mission oriented protection posture
MOTT - mycobacteria other than tuberculosis
MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
MS - multiple sclerosis
MSL - mean sea level
MTF - medical treatment facility
Na - sodium
NA - not applicable
NAD - no acute distress
NAIAD - nerve agent immobilized enzyme alarm
and detector
NaPent - sodium Pentothal
NBC - nuclear, biological, chemical
neg - negative
NG - nasogastric
NGU - non-gonococcal urethritis
NKA - no known allergies
NKDA - no known drug allergies
nl; norm - normal limits
NLT - not later than
No - number
NPA - nasopharyngeal airway
NPH insulin - neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin
NPO - nothing by mouth
NS - nervous system; normal saline
NSAID - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSN - national stock number; nonstandard number
NTG - nitroglycerin
NTM - non-tuberculous mycobacterial
N & V - nausea and vomiting
NWB - non-weight bearing
NSS - normal saline solution
O 2 - oxygen
OB - obstetrics
OB-GYN - obstetrics and gynecology
OBS - organic brain syndrome
OC - oral contraceptive
OCOKA - Observation and fire, Concealment and
cover, Obstacles, Key terrain, and Avenues of
OD - overdose; right eye
O & P - ova and parasites
OPA - oropharyngeal airway
OS - left eye
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