Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Ancef, 3–100
brazilense, 5–41
caninum, 5–41
duodenale, 5–41
with abnormal uterine bleeding, 3–39
acute and chronic, 4–8
assessment of, 4–9
causes of, 4–8—4–9
with copper deficiency, 5–139t
fatigue with, 3–30t
follow-up, 4–10
in hookworm, 5–42
macrocytic, 5–137t
signs of, 4–9
symptoms of, 4–9
treatment of, 4–9—4–10
in alveolar nerve blockade, 5–23
for cesarean section, 3–100
dental, 5–20—5–23
facial injection of, 5–21f
in lingual nerve blockade, 5–23
long buccal injection of, 5–24f
for mandibular extraction, 5–21—5–23
for maxillary extraction, 5–20
palatal injection of, 5–21, 5–22f
regional, 5–159—5–175
topical, for red eye assessment, 3–24
total intravenous
complications of, 5–156—5–157
contraindications to, 5–156
dosing guidelines for, 5–156t
equipment for, 5–155—5–156
field techniques for, 5–157—5–158t
fundamentals of, 5–155
indications for, 5–155
pre- and intraoperative system checks
for continuous infusion in,
precautions in, 5–156—5–157
procedures in, 5–156
for digital blocks, 5–163t
local infiltration of area, 5–159
for pain control, 8–39
Aneurysm, ruptured, 3–3t
Angina pain, 4–1
Animal bites
assessment of, 7–8
follow-up for, 7–9
incidence of, 7–7
patient education for, 7–9
in rabies, 5–81
signs of, 7–8
symptoms of, 7–7—7–8
treatment of, 7–8—7–9

care and management of, 5–130
diseases in, 5–132—5–136
normal physiologic values in, 5–130t
obstetrics for, 5–130—5–131
postmortem exam of, 5–126
restraint of, 5–128—5–130
Anisocytosis, 8–55
nerve blockade of, 5–168—5–174
pain in
assessment of, 3–76
causes of, 3–76
follow-up, 3–77
patient education for, 3–77
signs of, 3–76
symptoms of, 3–76
treatment of, 3–76—3–77
follow-up, 3–77
treatment of, 3–76
Ankylosing spondylitis
in low back pain, 3–6
patient education for, 3–64
Anovulation, 3–41
Ant stings, 4–57—4–59
for chemical burns, 7–18
for self-limiting abdominal pain, 3–1
Antemortem exam, veterinary, 5–123
Anthrax, 5–31
assessment of, 5–91
follow-up for, 5–92
inhalational, 6–56—6–57
patient education for, 5–91
required vaccination for, 5–105t
signs of, 5–90—5–91
symptoms of, 5–90
transmission of, 5–90
treatment for, 5–91
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–92
Antibiotics, 6–15
for abnormal uterine bleeding, 3–41
for acute diarrhea, 3–19
for acute mastitis in animals, 5–135
for acute organic intestinal obstruction,
for acute respiratory distress syndrome,
for ankle pain, 3–77
for appendicitis, 4–72
for avulsed tooth, 5–15
for biological warfare agents, 6–56
in candida vaginitis, 3–49
for cesarean section, 3–100, 3–102
for chancroid, 5–29
for cholecystitis, 4–78
for congestive heart failure, 4–4
for cough, 3–15
dental, 5–19—5–20
for empyema, 4–17
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