Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


for patellar dislocation, 3–69
Atopic allergy, 3–113
Atopic dermatitis, 3–114
Atrial fibrillation
differential diagnosis of, 3–111
treatment of, 3–111
Atrophy, skin, 4–39
for chemical nerve agents, 6–52
for chest pain, 3–12
for heat stroke, 6–51
for syncope, 3–118
Atrovent (ipratropium)
for common cold and flu, 4–11
for COPD, 4–22
AUB. See Uterine bleeding, abnormal
Augmentin (amoxicillin/clavulanate)
for breast abscess drainage, 3–10
for human and animal bites, 7–9
for mastitis, 3–8
for prostatitis, 3–81
for purulent otitis media, 3–21
for urinary tract infections, 4–93, 4–94
Auspitz sign, 4–64
Autoimmune disease
in adrenal insufficiency, 4–27
in aphthous ulcers, 5–16
in diabetes mellitus, 4–28
Automatic external defibrillator, 4–7
Aveeno Colloidal Oatmeal bath, 3–114
AVPU scale, 7–3
Axillary blockade
anesthetics for, 5–174t
assessment of, 5–175
contraindications and complications of,
equipment for, 5–174
indications for, 5–174
procedure for, 5–174—5–175
Azathioprine, 4–82
for abnormal uterine bleeding, 3–41
for acute rheumatic fever, 5–99
for cat scratch disease, 5–93
for chancroid, 5–29
for fever, 3–34f
for granuloma inguinale, 5–29
for knee pain, 3–75
for Lyme disease, 5–88
for lymphogranuloma venereum, 5–29
for mastitis, 3–9
for meningitis, 4–37
for pelvic inflammatory disease, 3–51
for pneumonia, 4–13
for typhoid fever, 5–104
for typhus, 5–84
for urethral discharges, 5–27
Azole antifungals, 5–61
for acute abdominal pain, 3–2

for acute organic intestinal obstruction, 4–87
for cholecystitis, 4–78
for peritonitis, 4–84

B1 deficiency, 5–137t
B2 deficiency, 5–137t
B3 deficiency, 5–137t
B6 deficiency, 5–137t
B12 vitamin deficiency, 4–8
bovis, 5–35
divergens, 5–35
microti, 5–35
protozoa, 5–34
assessment of, 5–35
causes of, 5–34
follow-up for, 5–35
patient education for, 5–35
signs of, 5–35
symptoms of, 5–35
treatment for, 5–35
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–35
anthracis, 5–90
identification of colonies of, 8–50
cereus, in food poisoning, 4–79
subtilis enzymes, 4–18
for chemical burns, 7–19
for friction foot blisters, 5–8
for eye injury, 3–28
for red eye, 3–25
in suturing, 8–23
for venomous fish bites, 6–15
Bacterial infections
acute rheumatic fever, 5–98—5–99
anthrax, 5–90—5–92
bartonellosis, 5–92—5–93
brucellosis, 5–94
differential diagnosis of, 3–112t
ehrlichiosis, 5–95
food-borne, 5–108
plague, 5–95—5–97
rat bite fever, 5–97—5–98
cutaneous tuberculosis, 4–44—4–45
erysipelas, 4–41—4–42
gonococcal, 4–40
impetigo contagiosa, 4–43—4–44
leprosy, 4–45
meningococcemia, 4–41
staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome,
streptococcal, 5–99—5–100
tetanus, 5–100—5–102
tularemia, 5–102—5–103
typhoid fever, 5–104—5–105
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