Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Bee sting, 4–57—4–59
Beef tapeworm disease, 5–49
Bees, 4–57
killer, 4–57, 4–59
Bell’s palsy
assessment of, 4–37
course of, 4–37
patient education for, 4–38
return evaluation for, 4–38
signs of, 4–37
symptoms of, 4–37
treatment for, 4–37—4–38
for allergic reaction to blood transfusion, 8–20
for anaphylactic shock, 7–11
for bed bug bites, 4–55
for contact dermatitis, 4–70
of penis, 3–78
for hemolytic reaction, 8–20
for sleep disturbance with fatigue, 3–30
Bench press, 3–72
Bends. See Decompression sickness
Benign paroxysmal vertigo
differential diagnosis of, 3–20—3–21
dizziness in, 3–20
Benign positional vertigo, 3–20—3–21
Benzathine penicillin
for acute rheumatic fever, 5–99
for syphilis, 5–30
Benzidazole, 5–53
Benzocaine, 5–16
Benzocaine/menthol, 4–58
Benzodiazepam, 5–145
abuse of, 5–150
for anxiety, 3–5
for elbow dislocation, 3–67
intoxication of, 5–150t
for mania, 3–17
for pain control, 8–38, 8–39
for psychosis and delirium, 5–152
withdrawal from, 5–151t
Benzoin, tincture of, 5–8
Benzyl benzoate, 4–60
Beriberi, dry, 5–137t
Beta-agonists, 4–20
Beta-blockers, 3–12
Beta-lactam, 4–13
after appendectomy, 4–77
for cesarean section, 3–101
in digital block of finger or toe, 5–159
in dorsal slit procedure, 3–79
for friction foot blisters, 5–8
for ingrown toenail, 5–3
in IV infusion for animals, 5–132
in local infiltration of area, 5–159
in needle thoracostomy, 8–8
ointment, for chemical burns, 7–19
in skin mass removal, 8–27

in suturing, 8–25
in tube thoracostomy, 8–8
Betamethasone, 4–65
for blood transfusion reaction, 8–19
for hemolytic reaction, 8–20
Biliary colic pain, 4–78
Biliary disease, pruritus of, 3–114
Biliary obstruction
bilirubin metabolism in, 3–57
in jaundice, 3–58
abnormal metabolism of, 3–57
normal metabolism of, 3–57
Bilirubin-Icotest procedure, 8–42
Bilirubinuria, 8–43
Biological agents, 6–56—6–61
Biological warfare, 6–56
biological agents in, 6–56—6–61
Bipolar disorder
differential diagnosis of, 5–152
symptoms of, 3–16—3–17
Bird breeder’s lung, 4–18
Birth control pills. See Oral contraceptives
Bisacodyl suppositories, 3–13
for fascioliasis, 5–39
side effects of, 5–39
Black flies, 4–53
Black widow spider bite, 4–60
Blackheads, 4–38
antispasmodics for, 3–82
catheterization of
equipment for, 8–34
indications for, 8–33—8–34
precautions for, 8–35
procedure for, 8–34—8–35
infections of, 4–93
lacerations of in cesarean section, 3–102
sudden emptying of, 8–36
suprapubic aspiration of, 8–35—8–36
Bladder tap. See Bladder, suprapubic aspiration of
Blast injuries, 7–23. See also Underwater blast
assessment of, 7–24
in congestive heart failure, 4–4
under fire
assessing, 1–1
care of, 1–1
signs of, 7–23—7–24
symptoms of, 7–23
treatment for, 7–24—7–26
Blastomyces dermatitidis, 5–59
Blastomycosis, 5–31
assessment of, 5–59
cause of, 5–59
follow-up for, 5–60
patient education for, 5–60
signs of, 5–59
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