Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


symptoms of, 5–59
treatment for, 5–59—5–60
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–60
Bleached rubber syndrome, 4–70
Bleeding. See Hemorrhage
Bleeding disorder, snakebite-induced,
Bleeding ulcer, 4–85
differential diagnosis of, 3–25
red eye with, 3–24
treatment of, 3–25
Blister agents, 6–53—6–54
friction, 5–7—5–8
genitourinary, 4–89
components of, 4–8
Giemsa stain for parasites of, 8–47—8–48
glucose level of.See Hypoglycemia
glucose testing of, 4–29
Blood agents, 6–52—6–53
Blood collection system, 8–18
Blood diseases, 4–8
anemia, 4–8—4–10
tests for, 4–8
Blood donor, 8–18
Blood fluke infection, 5–46—5–47
Blood plasma, 4–8
Blood pressure
in abdominal pain, 3–1
diastolic, 4–5
systolic, 4–6
in trauma patients, 7–3
Blood products
handling of, 8–16
safe, 4–9
Blood smear
for African trypanosomiasis, 5–52
Giemsa stain of, 8–47—8–48
for trichenellosis, 5–50
Wright’s stain of, 8–46—8–47
Blood supply, crossmatching of, 8–60—8–62
Blood transfusion
for acute diarrhea, 3–19
for acute pelvic pain, 3–43
in American trypansomiasis, 5–53
for anemia, 4–9
equipment for, 8–14
in field, 8–18
for hantavirus, 5–69
indications for, 8–14
monitoring during, 8–17
precautions for, 8–18
procedure for, 8–15—8–18
reactions to, 8–19—8–21
precautions with, 8–21
Blood types, 4–9
type O, 8–19
Blood typing

in blood transfusion, 8–15—8–16
confirmation tests for, 8–59
BLS/ACLS protocol, electrical or lightning injury, 7–27
Blunt injuries, under fire, 1–1
Body heat, preserving, 7–13
Body lice, 4–62—4–63
in relapsing fever, 5–89
Body surface area, 7–20f
Body temperature
rapid reduction of, 6–50
regulation of, 6–47
Boiling, water treatment, 5–119—5–120
Boils, 4–52
Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, 6–61
Bone marrow
failure of, 4–8
suppression of, 4–8—4–9
Borborygmi, 4–86
burgdorferi, 5–88
recurrentis, 5–89
Bottled water, 5–119
Botulism, 5–31
in biological warfare, 6–57—6–58
cause of, 6–57—6–58
patient education for, 6–58
symptoms and signs of, 6–58
Boutonneuse fever, 5–83
differential diagnosis of, 3–112t
treatment of, 5–84
Bowel obstruction, 4–71
acute organic
assessment of, 4–86
causes of, 4–86
follow-up for, 4–87
patient education for, 4–87
signs of, 4–86
symptoms of, 4–86
treatment for, 4–86—4–87
Bowel perforation, 4–83
Bowel sounds, 4–86
Bowel-wall stretching injuries, 7–26
Bowen’s disease, 4–67
Box jellyfish, 6–13—6–14
differential diagnosis of, 3–111
with myocardial infarction, 4–1
syncope with, 3–117, 3–118
abscess of, 4–36, 5–80
memory loss with injury of, 3–86
tumors of
headache with, 3–55
manic and depressive symptoms with,
Breakbone fever, 5–65
abscess of
assessment of, 3–8
causes of, 3–9
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