Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Calamine lotion
for blister agents, 6–53
for mites, 4–59
Calciferol, 5–138t
deficiency of, 5–139t
supplement of, 3–74
Calcium diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DPTA), 6–62
Calcium gluconate
for black widow spider bite, 4–60
for hydrofluoric acid burn, 7–19
for preeclampsia, 3–109
for yellow fever, 5–70
Calcium hydroxide, 5–13
California Mastitis Test, 5–135
foot, 5–5
follow-up for, 5–6
patient education for, 5–6
signs of, 5–6
treatment for, 5–6
versus plantar warts, 5–4
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis, genital, 5–28
Cameco Quik Stain, 8–46—8–47
for blood disorders, 4–8
Cameco Wright-Giemsa stain, 8–47
Campylobacter, food poisoning, 4–79, 4–80
Campylobacteriosis, 5–31
in acute organic intestinal obstruction, 4–86
breast, 3–8
pruritus with, 3–114
of testis and scrotum, 3–79—3–80
albicans, 5–57—5–58
vaginitis, 3–47, 3–49, 5–58
assessment of, 3–50
diagnosis and treatment of, 3–48t
follow-up for, 3–50
patient education for, 3–50
risk factors for, 3–49
signs of, 3–49—3–50
symptoms of, 3–49
treatment plan for, 3–50
Candidal infection
of male genitals, 3–78
penile, 3–78
Candidiasis. See also Intertrigo; Thrush
assessment of, 5–58
cause of, 5–57—5–58
differential diagnosis of, 4–65
esophageal, 5–58
follow-up for, 5–59
oropharyngeal, 5–58
patient education for, 5–58—5–59
signs of, 5–58
symptoms of, 5–58
treatment for, 5–58
vaginal, 5–58
wet mount and KOH preparation for,

Canker sores, 5–16—5–17
Canning, meat, 5–128
Canteen, individual, 5–119
Caprine, foot rot in, 5–133—5–134
Carbon dioxide absorption device, 8–37
Carbon dioxide poisoning
assessment of, 6–12
in diving, 6–12
follow-up for, 6–13
patient education for, 6–13
symptoms and signs of, 6–12
treatment for, 6–12
Carbon monoxide poisoning
assessment of, 6–11
differential diagnosis of, 6–9, 6–37, 6–39
in diving, 6–11
follow-up for, 6–12
patient education for, 6–11—6–12
symptoms and signs of, 6–11
treatment for, 6–11
Carboxyhemoglobin, 8–9
Cardiac arrest, 8–19
Cardiac monitoring
for myocardial infarction, 4–3
with venomous snake bite, 5–144—5–145
Cardiac pain, 4–78
Cardiac resuscitation
equipment for, 4–7
indications for, 4–7
precautions, 4–8
procedure for, 4–7
for sudden cardiac death, 4–7
Cardiac risk factors, 4–1
Cardiac shock, 7–13
Cardiac symptoms
cardiac resuscitation, 4–7—4–8
congestive heart failure, 4–3—4–4
hypertensive emergency, 4–5—4–6
pericarditis, 4–6—4–7
Cardiac system, acute myocardial infarction of, 4–1—4–3
Cardiac tamponade
dyspnea with, 3–116
treatment of, 3–117
Cardiopulmonary arrest, 4–8
with electrical injury, 7–26
from hemorrhage, 7–3
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), 4–7
for hypothermia, 6–44
precautions, 4–8
Cardiovascular examination, 2–3—2–4
Carditis, 5–99
Cardura (doxazosin)
for prostatitis, 3–82
for urinary incontinence, 4–91
Care under fire
assessment in, 1–1
signs, 1–1
symptoms, 1–1
treatment plan, 1–1—1–2
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