Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


quality of, 3–14
signs of, 3–14—3–15
symptoms of, 3–14
treatment for, 3–15, 4–11
in tuberculosis, 5–54
Coxiella burnetii, 5–85
Coxsackievirus, 3–112t
CPR. See Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Crab lice, 4–62—4–63
Cranberry juice, 4–94
Creeps, 6–36
Cricothyroidotomy, 7–1
in airway management, 8–3
for airway obstruction, 3–117
equipment for, 8–5—8–6
indications for, 8–5
needle technique, 8–6
precautions in, 8–7
surgical technique, 8–6—8–7
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, 6–61
Crocodiles, 6–17
Crohn’s disease, aphthous ulcers of, 5–16
Crossmatching, 8–60—8–62
Crotalidae snakes, 5–143, 5–144
Crotamiton (Eurax), 4–61
Crush injury, 8–30
Crusts, skin, 4–39
for ankle injury, 3–77
for hip pain, 3–74
Cryptosporidiosis, 5–32
Crystal arthritides, 3–59
Crystalloid fluid bolus IV, 7–11
Crystalloids, 7–15t
Cullen’s sign, 4–82
Cultures, interpretation of, 8–49—8–50
Curing, 5–127
Cutaneous anthrax, 5–90, 5–91
Cutaneous larva currens rash, 5–47. See also
Cutaneous larva migrans, 5–32
cause of, 5–41
rash of, 5–42
treatment of, 5–42
Cyanide poisoning
assessment of under fire, 1–1
differential diagnosis of, 6–11
Cyanocobalamin deficiency, 5–137t
in pneumonia, 4–13
in pulmonary embolus, 4–23
Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril), 3–63
Cyclospora infections, 5–36
assessment of, 5–36—5–37
follow-up for, 5–37
patient education for, 5–37
signs of, 5–36
symptoms of, 5–36
transmission of, 5–36

treatment for, 5–37
Cystic hydrated disease, 5–50
Cystitis, urinary tract infection, 4–93
Cysts, 4–38—4–39
Cytomegalovirus, 5–87

D vitamin deficiency, 5–138t
Da Nang lung. See Acute respiratory distress syn-
Dacryocystitis, 3–26
differential diagnosis of, 3–26
treatment of, 3–27
Dairy products, boiling of, 5–109
Dandruff, 4–49—4–51
for brown recluse spider bite, 4–61
for leprosy, 4–45
Darkfield microscopy, 4–64
Darling’s disease. See Histoplasmosis
DD Form 600, 1–22
DD Form 602, 1–22
DD Form 1380, 1–22
of abrasions, 8–26
equipment for, 8–25
for frostbite, 6–43
for human and animal bites, 7–8—7–9
indications for, 8–25
for marine animal bites, 6–18
of minor wound not involving muscle, 8–25
of penetrating wounds, 8–26
for plantar warts, 5–4
procedure in, 8–25
for streptococcal infections, 5–100
Decadron, 4–36
Decadron rinse, 5–17
for compartment syndrome, 8–31
in diving medicine, 6–29
Decompression sickness
in aerospace medicine, 6–35—6–37
assessment of, 6–5
chest pain with, 3–10
differential diagnosis of, 6–7, 6–9—6–10,
disqualifying condition for diving, 6–22
dizziness with, 3–20
follow-up for, 6–7
hypoxia in, 6–31
mechanisms of, 6–4
memory loss with, 3–86
neurologic, 6–36
patient education for, 6–5—6–7
portable hyperbaric chamber for, 8–36
signs of, 6–5
symptoms of, 6–4—6–5
treatment for, 6–5, 6–6f
Type I, 6–4
Type II, 6–4—6–5
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