Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


with underwater blast injury, 6–19
Decongestant spray
for barosinusitis, 6–34
for barotitis, 6–35
for serous otitis media, 3–21
for sleep apnea with fatigue, 3–31
Decontamination procedures, poisoning, 5–141—5–142
Decontamination station
clean side of, 6–55
equipment for, 6–54
hot-line in, 6–55
primary and alternate sites for, 6–54
setup of, 6–54—6–55
upwind side of, 6–55
Deep pit latrine, 5–112f
Deep tendon reflexes, 3–6
Deer tick bites, 5–34—5–35
DEET, 4–52
as mite repellent, 4–60
in pest control, 5–121
Defibrillator, 4–7
Degenerative joint disease, shoulder, 3–71
Dehydration, 6–37, 6–39, 6–49
versus psychosis, 5–151—5–153
symptoms of, 5–152
in animals, 5–131
breech, 3–96—3–99
postpartum complications, 3–93
vaginal.See Vaginal delivery
Delusions, symptoms of, 5–152
after cesarean section, 3–102
for urolithiasis, 4–92
Demodex folliculorum, 5–32
Demulcents, 6–53
Dengue fever
assessment of, 5–65—5–66
diagnostic algorithm for, 3–30—3–34f
differential diagnosis of, 5–84, 5–87, 5–89
follow-up for, 5–66
patient education for, 5–66
risk factors for, 5–65
signs of, 5–65
symptoms of, 5–65
transmission of, 5–65
treatment for, 5–66
Dengue hemorrhagic fever, 5–65
Dental barotrauma, 6–3—6–4
Dental caries, 5–9, 5–12
in barodontalgia, 6–32
with fluoride deficiency, 5–139t
thermal test for, 5–20
Dental problems, 5–9—5–19
Dental procedures
anesthesia, 5–20—5–23
temporary restorations, 5–24
thermal test for caries, 5–20

tooth extraction, 5–25—5–26
Dental restorations, temporary, 5–24
Dentin, 5–13
anatomy in, 5–9
antibiotics in, 5–19—5–20
minimal dental field kit for, 5–9
oral and dental problems of, 5–9—5–19
procedures for, 5–20—5–26
cautions with, 3–56
for headache, 3–56
Depo-Provera, 3–44t
Depression, 3–15
assessment of, 3–17
fatigue with, 3–29
treatment of, 3–31
follow up, 3–17—3–18
memory loss with, 3–86
patient education for, 3–17
signs of, 3–16
symptoms of, 3–16
treatment for, 3–17
Depressive disorder, major, 3–17
in schistosomiasis, 5–46
swimming, 4–54
Dermatologic disease
assessment of, 4–39
diagnosis and disposition of, 4–38—4–40
signs of, 4–38—4–39
skin lesions in, 4–38—4–39
symptoms of, 4–38
treatment of, 4–40
Dermatomes, of cutaneous innervation of hand, 5–168f
Dermatophyte infections
assessment of, 4–50
causes of, 4–49—4–50
follow-up for, 4–50
patient education for, 4–50
signs of, 4–50
symptoms of, 4–50
treatment for, 4–50
zoonotic disease considerations in,
Dermatophytosis, 4–50—4–51
Dermatosis, pediatric, 4–42—4–43
Dermoplast, 4–58
Desert rheumatism. See Coccidioidomycosis
for acute mountain sickness, 6–38
for adrenal insufficiency, 4–28
for high altitude cerebral edema, 6–39
for preeclampsia, 3–109
for preterm neonate, 3–94
for typhoid fever, 5–104
Dexamethasone acetate
for bunion, 5–5
for heel spur syndrome, 5–2
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate, 8–20
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