Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


for dizziness, 3–21
for yellow fever, 5–70
Dimercaprol, 6–54
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
for allergic reaction to blood transfusion, 8–20
for common cold and flu, 4–11
for contact dermatitis of penis, 3–78
for mania, 3–17
for mites, 4–59
for psychosis and delirium, 5–153
for venomous snake bite, 5–145
Diphtheria, 4–11
Dipylidiasis, 5–50
Dirty Sock technique, 3–67
assessment of with chemical burns, 7–18
AVPU scale of, 7–3
M5 item list for managing, 1–18
Disc herniation
in low back pain, 3–6
treatment of, 3–74
Disinfection, 5–110—5–111
Dislocations, 3–64—3–70. See also specific joints
Distributive shock, 7–13
for prostatitis, 3–82
side effects of, 4–91
for urinary incontinence, 4–90
Diuresis, 4–5
Dive medicine
barotrauma to ears, 6–1—6–2
treatment tables for, 6–23—6–30
Diver’s Alert Network (DAN), 6–22
Diverticular stricture, 4–86
acute abdominal pain in, 3–3t
in acute organic intestinal obstruction, 4–86
acute pelvic pain with, 3–42
in peritonitis, 4–83
ascent rate, 6–23, 6–27
depth/time profile for, 6–24f, 6–25, 6–26,
6–28f, 6–30f
descent rate, 6–23, 6–27
disqualifying conditions for, 6–21—6–22
resources for, 6–22
time at depth, 6–25f
Diving Medical Officer (DMO), 6–21
Diving reflex
alleviating palpitations, 3–110
for palpitations, 3–111
Diving rigs, closed-circuit and semi closed-circuit, 6–20
Dix-Hallpike Maneuver, 3–20
Dixie cup technique, 5–1
Dizziness, 3–20
assessment of, 3–20—3–21
follow-up, 3–22
patient education for, 3–21—3–22
signs of, 3–20

symptoms of, 3–20
treatment plan for, 3–21
DNBI (disease non-battle injury) report, 5–107—5–108
Documentation, patient, 1–22
DOD Arthropod Repellent System, 5–121
Dog tapeworm, 5–50
Domeboro, 4–70
Donor blood units, crossmatching of,
for peritonitis, 4–84
for venomous snake bite, 5–145
Dorsal slit procedure
for male genital inflammation, 3–79
for phimosis, 4–89—4–90
Dove Sensitive Skin soap, 4–70
Doxazosin (Cardura)
for prostatitis, 3–82
for urinary incontinence, 4–91
Doxepin, 3–115
for abnormal uterine bleeding, 3–41
for anthrax, 5–91
for Bartholin’s gland abscess or cyst, 3–52
for biological warfare agents, 6–56
for brucellosis, 5–94
cautions with, 3–53
for chancroid, 5–29
for ehrlichiosis, 5–95
for epididymitis, 3–85
for granuloma inguinale, 5–29
for human and animal bites, 7–9
for inhalational anthrax, 6–57
for knee pain, 3–75
for leptospirosis, 5–87
for Lyme disease, 5–88
for lymphogranuloma venereum, 5–29
for malaria, 5–44, 5–45
prophylaxis, 5–120
for nontuberculous mycobacterial infections, 5–57
for oroya fever, 5–93
for pelvic inflammatory disease, 3–51
for plague, 5–96
for pneumonia, 4–13
for pneumonic plague, 6–59
precautions with, 3–80, 5–85
for prostatitis, 3–81
for Q fever, 5–86
for rat bite fever, 5–97
for relapsing fever, 5–90
for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 5–84
side effects of, 5–45, 5–87, 5–95
for syphilis, 5–30
for testicular/scrotal masses, 3–80
for tetanus, 5–101
for trench fever, 5–93
for typhus, 5–69, 5–84
for urethral discharges, 5–27
for urinary tract infections, 4–93
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