Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


symptoms of, 3–27
treatment for, 3–28
pain in with red eye, 3–24
problems of
acute red eye without trauma, 3–24—3–26
acute vision loss without trauma,
eye injury, 3–27—3–29
orbital or periorbital inflammation,
protection of in Bell’s palsy, 4–37—4–38

FABER maneuver, 3–60
Facemask squeeze, 6–3, 6–4
Facemasks, airway management, 8–4
Facial nerve palsy, idiopathic. See Bell’s palsy
Fainting. See Syncope
Falling, dizziness with, 3–20
Fallopian tube, damage to, 3–50
Famciclovir, 5–29
Family support group, 5–154—5–155
for chest pain, 3–12
for peptic ulcer disease, 4–85
Farmer’s lung, 4–18
Fasciola hepatica infections, 5–38—5–39
Fascioliasis, 5–38—5–39
Fasciolopsiasis, 5–38
Fasciolopsis buski, 5–38
in compartment syndrome, 8–31
precautions for, 8–32
for venomous snake bite, 5–145—5–146
Fasinex (triclabendazole), 5–39
Fatigue, 3–29
follow-up, 3–31
patient education for, 3–31
signs of, 3–30
symptoms of, 3–29
treatment for, 3–30—3–31
Febrile disease
diagnostic algorithm for, 3–33—3–34f
differential diagnosis of, 6–49
incubation period of, 3–31
Febrile reactions, blood transfusion, 8–19
treatment of, 8–20
Febrile syndromes, adenoviruses in, 5–64
Fecal contamination
in cyclosporiasis, 5–36
in giardiasis, 5–40
Fecal leukocytes, 3–34f
Con-Trate method for ova and parasite detection in,
8 –52—8–53
examination of for ova and parasites,
macroscopic examination of, 8–50—8–51
Feflex, 4–94
Feka Con-Trate System, 8–52

Feldene, 4–84
Femoral neck stress fracture, 3–73
Femoral shaft stress fracture, 3–74
Femur fractures, hemorrhage control in, 7–13
for chemical burns, 7–18
continuous infusion of in field, 5–158t
dosing guidelines for, 5–156t
for pain control, 8–39
Fetal complications, cesarean section for, 3–100
Fetal head crowning, 3–88, 3–90f, 3–91f
Fetal heart tones, 3–87
Fever. See also Febrile disease
with abdominal pain, 3–1
in adenoviruses, 5–64
in American trypansomiasis, 5–53
assessment of, 3–32—3–35
in coccidioidomycosis, 5–60
in histoplasmosis, 5–61
incubation period of, 3–31
low-grade, 3–31
in malaria, 5–44
patient education for, 3–35
principles of initial approach to, 3–31
purpura of, 4–39
rash with, 3–112
differential diagnosis of, 3–112—3–113t
in schistosomiasis, 5–46, 5–47
signs of, 3–32
symptoms of, 3–31—3–32
treatment plan for, 3–35
in trichenellosis, 5–50
with urolithiasis, 4–91
Fever blisters, 5–16
Field dressing, game, 5–123—5–125
Field kits, dental, 5–9
Field sanitation
cleaning and disinfecting in, 5–110—5–111
food procurement in, 5–108—5–109
food storage and preservation in,
general procedures in, 5–108
preparing and serving food in, 5–110
Field transfusion procedure, 8–18
Field water purification, 5–118—5–119
assessment of, 5–40
follow-up for, 5–40
patient education for, 5–40
signs of, 5–40
symptoms of, 5–39—5–40
transmission of, 5–39
treatment for, 5–40
Fingers, human bite to, 7–7
signs of, 7–8
Fioricet, 3–56
Fiorinal, 3–56
Fire ants, 4–58
Firewood, 5–127
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