Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


in jaundice, 3–58
in pancreatitis, 4–82
Game, humane slaughter and field dressing of,
5 –123—5–125
Gamma benzene hexachloride, 4–61
Gamow bag, 8–36
for decompression sickness, 6–36
for high altitude cerebral edema, 6–40
for high altitude pulmonary edema, 6–42
with frostbite, 6–42
with peritonitis, 4–83
Garbage disposal, 5–118
Gardnerella infection, glans penis, 3–77—3–78
Gas, intestinal, 3–1
Gas gangrene, Clostridium perfringens colonies in,
Gastric aspiration, 3–15
Gastric lavage, 5–142
assessment of, 4–81
causes of, 4–81
follow-up for, 4–81—4–82
patient education for, 4–81
signs and symptoms of, 4–81
treatment for, 4–81
self-limiting abdominal pain with, 3–1
acute abdominal pain in, 3–3t
assessment of, 3–19
differential diagnosis of, 4–71, 5–91
viral.See Diarrhea
Gastroesophageal reflux
cough with, 3–14, 3–15
differential diagnosis of, 4–22
disqualifying condition for diving, 6–22
self-limiting abdominal pain with, 3–1
treatment for, 3–12
Gastrointestinal anthrax, 5–91
Gastrointestinal barotrauma, 6–3—6–4
Gastrointestinal bleeding
assessment of, 3–19
with blast injuries, 7–23
treatment for, 7–24—7–26
Gastrointestinal disorders
acute bacterial food poisoning, 4–79—4–80
acute cholecystitis, 4–78—4–79
acute gastritis, 4–81—4–82
acute organic intestinal obstruction,
acute pancreatitis, 4–82—4–83
acute peritonitis, 4–83—4–84
appendicitis, 4–70—4–72
disqualifying condition for diving, 6–22
emergency field appendectomy, 4–72—4–78
peptic ulcer disease, 4–84—4–86
Gaze, deviated, 3–27
GD (soman), 6–52
General medical site survey checklist, MedCAP,

1–3, 1–7—1–9
Generalized anxiety disorder, 3–5
Genital inflammation, male, 3–77—3–79
Genital skin lesions, 4–89
Genital ulcers
assessment of, 5–29
causes of, 5–28
follow-up for, 5–30
male, 3–77
patient education for, 5–30
signs of, 5–28—5–29
symptoms of, 5–28
treatment for, 5–29, 5–30
Genitoruinary disorders
urinary incontinence, 4–90—4–91
urinary tract infection, 4–93—4–94
urinary tract problems of, 4–87—4–90
urolithiasis, 4–91—4–92
Genitoruinary examination
female, 2–4
male, 2–4
for abnormal uterine bleeding, 3–41
for chemical burns, 7–18
for congestive heart failure, 4–4
for conjunctivitis in animals, 5–136
for epididymitis, 3–84
for febrile infection, 3–34f
for Fournier’s gangrene, 3–78
for pericarditis, 4–6
for plague, 5–96
for pneumonic plague, 6–59
for prostatitis, 3–81
for tularemia, 5–103, 6–60
for tympanic membrane rupture, 7–26
for urinary tract infections, 4–94
for urolithiasis, 4–92
Gentian violet, 5–58
Gestational age, assessment of, 3–88
Giant cell arteritis
in acute vision loss, 3–22
differential diagnosis of, 3–23
treatment of, 3–23
Giardia cysts, 5–40
Giardiasis, 5–32
assessment of, 3–19, 5–41
follow-up for, 5–41
patient education for, 5–41
signs of, 5–41
symptoms of, 5–40
transmission of, 5–40
treatment for, 5–41
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–41
Giemsa stain
for blood parasites, 8–47—8–48
for malaria, 5–44
for relapsing fever, 5–89
in Tzanck stain, 8–48
Gingival swelling, 5–13
Gingivitis, acute necrotizing ulcerative,
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