Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


assessment of, 3–68
diagnostic tests for, 3–69
differential diagnosis of, 3–69
post treatment care for, 3–69
posterior, 3–65
procedure for, 3–69
fractures of, 3–74
pain of
assessment of, 3–73
causes of, 3–72
follow-up, 3–74
patient education for, 3–74
referred, 3–73
risk factors for, 3–72
signs of, 3–73
symptoms of, 3–73
treatment of, 3–73—3–74
tendonitis of, 3–73
Histoplasma capsulatum, 5–61
assessment of, 5–62
causes of, 5–61
disseminated, 5–78
follow-up for, 5–62
patient education for, 5–62
risk factors for, 5–61
signs of, 5–61—5–62
symptoms of, 5–61
treatment for, 5–62
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–62
History of present illness, 2–2
History questions, in care under fire, 1–1
HIV. See Acquired immune deficiency syndrome;
Human immunodeficiency virus
Hives, 4–39
in anaphylactic shock, 7–10
Hoof testers, 5–134
Hookworm. See also Cutaneous larva migrans
assessment of, 5–42
differential diagnosis of, 5–48
follow-up for, 5–42
incidence of, 5–41
patient education for, 5–42
signs of, 5–42
species of, 5–41
symptoms of, 5–41—5–42
treatment for, 5–42
zoonotic considerations in, 5–42
Hornet sting, 4–57—4–59
colic in, 5–132—5–133
lameness in, 5–134—5–135
restraint of, 5–128—5–129
Hospital survey checklist, in MedCAP guide, 1–4—1–7
Hot compresses, 6–15
Howell-Jolly bodies, 8–56
Human bites
assessment of, 7–8
follow-up for, 7–9
patient education for, 7–9

risk associated with, 7–7
signs of, 7–8
symptoms of, 7–7—7–8
treatment of, 7–8—7–9
Human diploid cell rabies vaccine, 5–82
for human and animal bites, 7–9
Human immunodeficiency virus. See also Acquired
immune deficiency syndrome
in aphthous ulcers, 5–16
assessment of, 5–78
course of untreated, 5–76f
differential diagnosis of in anemia, 4–9
occupational exposure prophylaxis for, 5–78
patient education for, 5–78
signs of, 5–78
symptoms of, 5–77
transmission of, 5–77
treatment for, 5–78
Human papillomavirus
in plantar warts, 5–3
warts with, 4–48
Human rabies immune globulin
for human and animal bites, 7–9
for rabies, 5–82
Human remains, recovering
cautions for, 5–155
equipment for, 5–153
mission, 5–153
procedures for, 5–154—5–155
what to expect in, 5–153
Hydralazine (Apresoline), 3–109
for adrenal insufficiency, 4–28
for decompression sickness, 6–5
for heat stroke, 6–51
for mastitis, 3–8
for pulmonary over inflation syndrome, 6–8
for syncope, 3–118
for urolithiasis, 4–92
Hydrocele, above testis, 3–80
for adrenal insufficiency, 4–28
for bed bug bites, 4–55
for contact dermatitis of penis, 3–78
for millipede exposure, 4–57
Hydrofluoric acid burn, 7–19
Hydrogen peroxide, 6–15
Hydromorphine, 3–102
Hydropel, 5–8
Hydrophidae snakes, 5–143, 5–144
Hydrophobia. See Rabies
Hydroxyzine (Atarax)
for contact dermatitis, 4–70
for psoriasis, 4–65
for candida vaginitis prevention, 3–50
for diarrhea prevention, 3–19
for epididymitis prevention, 3–85
for jaundice, 3–59
for male genital inflammation, 3–79
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