Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


treatment for, 4–85
Peptobismol, 3–34f
Peracute, 5–135
Periapical abscess, 5–9, 5–13
differential diagnosis of, 6–32, 6–33
untreated, 5–13—5–14
Pericardial fluid, removal of, 8–13
Pericardial friction rub, 4–6
Pericardial tamponade
chest pain with, 3–10
in pericarditis, 4–6
treatment for, 3–12
Pericardiocentesis, 8–12—8–13
equipment for, 8–12
indications for, 8–12
for pericarditis, 4–6
preparation for, 8–12
for tamponade, 4–7
assessment of, 4–6
causes of, 4–6
differential diagnosis of, 5–99
follow-up, 4–7
patient education for, 4–6—4–7
referred pain to shoulder in, 3–70
signs of, 4–6
symptoms of, 4–6
treatment for, 3–12, 4–6
viral, 8–12
vital signs suggesting, 3–11, 3–12
Pericoronitis, 5–17
Peridex (chlorhexidine), 5–16
Perineum, incision of. See Episiotomy
Periodontal abscess, 5–15
Periorbital inflammation. See Orbital/periorbital
Periosteal Elevator, 5–25
Peripheral nerve system lesions, 4–37
assessment of, 4–84
causes of, 4–83
differential diagnosis of, 4–71, 4–86
follow-up for, 4–84
mortality with, 4–83
patient education for, 4–84
signs of, 4–83—4–83
symptoms of, 4–83
treatment for, 4–84
Permethrin, 4–52
for pediculosis, 4–62
in pest control, 5–121
for scabies, 4–61
Pernio, 6–47
Peroneal nerve block
deep, 5–170, 5–171f
superficial, 5–171f
Pertussis, 4–11
Pest control, 5–120—5–121
Pesticides, 5–120—5–121
Petrolatum, 4–44

differential diagnosis of, 4–11, 5–64, 5–79
streptococcal, 5–98, 5–99
for acute organic intestinal obstruction, 4–86
after cesarean section, 3–102
for chemical burns, 7–18
for peritonitis, 4–84
Phenobarbital, 4–35
Phenothiazine toxicity, 5–101
Phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride (Dibenzyline),
Phenylbutazone, 5–134—5–135
Phimosis, 3–77, 4–89
consultation criteria for, 3–79
patient education for, 3–79
signs of, 3–78
treatment of, 3–78, 4–89—4–90
for congestive heart failure, 4–4
for hypertensive emergency, 4–5
Phobias, 3–5
Phosgene, 6–53—6–54
Phosphorus deficiency, 5–139t
Photophobia, 3–27
Physical examination
animal restraint for, 5–128—5–130
of animals, 5–130
of breasts (chest), 2–4
cardiovascular, 2–3—2–4
constitutional, 2–3
ear, nose, mouth, and throat, 2–3
gastrointestinal, 2–4
genitourinary, 2–4
integumentary, 2–5
lymphatic, 2–5
musculoskeletal, 2–4
neurologic, 2–4
psychiatric, 2–4—2–5
respiratory, 2–3
of trauma patient, 7–7
Physiologic values, animal, 5–130t
Phytonadione, 5–138t
Pickling, 5–128
Pickwickian syndrome, 4–25
PID. See Pelvic inflammatory disease
PIES regimen, 5–148
diarrhea in, 5–135—5–136
humane slaughter and field dressing of,
Pilar cysts, 4–38—4–39
Pinkeye. See Conjunctivitis
Pinta, 4–64
Pinworm. See Enterobiasis
Pipe urinal, 5–114f
for abnormal uterine bleeding, 3–41
for chemical burns, 7–19
for jaundice, 3–58
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