Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


corns and calluses, 5–5—5–6
friction foot blisters, 5–7—5–8
heel spur syndrome, 5–1—5–2
ingrown toenails, 5–2—5–3
plantar warts, 5–3—5–4
stress fractures of foot, 5–6—5–7
Podophyllin, 4–49
Poikilocytosis, RBC abnormality in, 8–55—8–56
POIS. See Pulmonary over inflation syndrome
Poison oak, 4–69
assessment of, 5–141
follow-up for, 5–142
patient education for, 5–142
routes of entry in, 5–140
signs of, 5–141
symptoms of, 5–140—5–141
toxins in, 5–140
treatment for, 5–141—5–142
Polio vaccination, 5–80
required, 5–106t
assessment of, 5–80—5–81
follow-up for, 5–81
patient education for, 5–81
risk factors for, 5–80
signs of, 5–80
symptoms of, 5–80
transmissions of, 5–80
treatment for, 5–81
Politzer bag, 6–35
assessment of, 3–62
differential diagnosis of, 5–98
Polydipsia, 4–29
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 4–9
Pork tapeworm disease, 5–49—5–50
Porphyria, acute, 4–71
Port-wine stains, 4–38
Portable altitude chamber (PAC)
for high altitude cerebral edema, 6–40
for high altitude pulmonary edema, 6–42
Portable pressure chamber. See Hyperbaric chamber,
Portuguese man-of-war, 6–13—6–14
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), 7–24
Positive-pressure ventilation (PPV)
for blast injury, 7–24
devices, 5–155
Post-traumatic stress disorder, 3–2, 5–148
differential diagnosis of, 3–5
Postmortem exam, veterinary, 5–126
Postnasal drip, 3–14
Postpartum complications, 3–93
Postural drainage, 4–13
Potassium hydroxide, 4–48
Potassium iodide, 6–62
Pott’s disease, 4–71
Poultry, humane slaughter and field dressing of,

for coral sting, 6–15
in water treatment, 5–120
PR depression, 4–6
for pediculosis, 4–63
for scabies, 4–61
for clonorchiasis, 5–36
for fasciolopsiasis, 5–38
for paragonimiasis, 5–46
for schistosomiasis, 5–47
for tapeworm infections, 5–49
Predeployment site survey, MedCAP guide, 1–3
for eye injury, 3–28
for red eye, 3–25
for adrenal insufficiency, 4–28
for allergic pneumonitis, 4–19
for Bell’s palsy, 4–38
for chest pain, 3–12
for contact dermatitis of penis, 3–78
for COPD, 4–22
for infectious mononucleosis, 5–79
for inflammatory arthritis, 3–63
for pericarditis, 4–6
precautions with, 3–64
for red eye, 3–25
for vision loss, 3–23
Preeclampsia, 3–104
assessment of, 3–108
follow-up, 3–109
patient education for, 3–109
signs of
mild, 3–104
severe, 3–104—3–105
stabilization and evacuation for, 3–108
symptoms of, 3–104
treatment of
mild, 3–108—3–109
severe, 3–109
with abnormal uterine bleeding, 3–41
assessment of, 3–87
bacterial vaginosis treatment during, 3–49
in candida vaginitis, 3–49
carbon monoxide poisoning during, 6–11
disqualifying condition for diving, 6–22
in horses, 5–133
pruritus with, 3–114
signs of, 3–87
symptoms of, 3–87
test for, 3–87
thyroid disorders during, 4–34
treatment of.See under specific conditions
Premature atrial contractions
differential diagnosis of, 3–111
palpitations with, 3–110
Premature rupture of membranes (PROM)
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