Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


irregular, 3–27
in red eye, 3–24
Purified protein derivative (PPD) skin testing, 5–54
for cutaneous tuberculosis, 4–45
for nontuberculous mycobacterial infections,
procedure and interpretation of, 5–56
Purpura, 4–39
Pustule, 4–38
Pyariformis syndrome, 3–73
treatment of, 4–94
in urinary tract infection, 4–93
Pyogenic granuloma, 5–4
Pyrantel pamoate, 5–37
Pyrazinamide, 5–55
Pyrethrins shampoo, 4–63
Pyridostigmine, 6–52
Pyridoxine deficiency, 5–137t

Q fever, 5–32
assessment of, 5–86
cause of, 5–85
patient education for, 5–86
signs of, 5–85—5–86
symptoms of, 5–85
treatment for, 5–86
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–86
QRS complex, 3–111
Quinidine, 5–44, 5–45
for babesiosis, 5–35
for malaria, 5–45
Quinine sulfate, 5–44
Quinolones, 4–94

Rabies, 5–32
from animal bites, 7–8
assessment of, 5–82
cause and transmission of, 5–81
control of, 5–121
follow-up for, 5–82
patient education for, 5–82
required vaccination for, 5–106t
signs of, 5–82
symptoms of, 5–81
treatment for, 5–82
vaccine for, 7–9
zoonotic disease considerations in,
RADIACS meter, 6–62
Radial head subluxation
assessment of, 3–68
in children, 3–65
diagnostic tests for, 3–68
differential diagnosis of, 3–68
follow-up, 3–68
patient education for, 3–68

post treatment care for, 3–68
procedure for, 3–68
Radial nerve block, at wrist, 5–166—5–168
Radiation injury, 6–61—6–62
follow-up for, 6–62
patient education for, 6–62
symptoms and signs of, 6–62
treatment of, 6–62
Radiation monitoring, 6–62
Radiograph, pelvic, 3–46
with dyspnea, 3–116
in pneumonia, 4–13
Ramsay Hunt syndrome, 4–47
Range of motion exercise
for joint pain, 3–62
for knee injury, 3–75
Ranitidine, 4–85
in coccidioidomycosis, 5–60
cutaneous larvae currens, 5–47
with fever, 3–33f, 3–112
differential diagnosis of, 3–112—3–113t
with zinc deficiency, 5–139t
Rat bite fever
assessment of, 5–97
cause of, 5–97
follow-up for, 5–98
patient education for, 5–97
symptoms and signs of, 5–97
treatment for, 5–97
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–98
Rat snakes, 5–146
Rattlesnakes, 5–143
identification of, 5–147
Razor bump fighter, 4–66
RBCs. See Red blood cells
Rebound tenderness, abdominal, 3–1
Recompression therapy
for decompression sickness, 6–5, 6–36
for pulmonary over inflation syndrome, 6–8
Rectal bleeding, 3–18
Rectal examination
for abdominal pain, 3–1
for female pelvic complaints, 3–37, 3–39
for urinary tract problems, 4–87
Rectovaginal examination, 3–39, 3–40f
pelvic examination for, 3–37
Red blood cells, 4–8
bizarre forms of, 8–56
coloration differences in, 8–56
count/morphology of, 8–54—8–56
crenated, 8–56
inclusions in, 8–56
indications, benefits, and cautions for, 7–15t
morphological variations of, 8–58
nucleated, 8–58
as percentage of total blood volume,
transfusion of in field, 8–18
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