Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


urethral discharges, 5–26—5–27
vaginal trichomonas, 5–30—5–31
Shallow water blackout, 6–9
Sharks, 6–17
foot rot in, 5–133—5–134
obstetrics for, 5–131
in food poisoning, 4–79, 4–80
identification of colonies of, 8–50
Shigellosis dysentery, 3–18
Shingles, 4–47
chest pain with, 3–10, 3–11
treatment for, 3–12
Shock. See also Anaphylactic shock
anaphylactic, 7–10—7–11
differential diagnosis of, 6–9, 7–24
fluid resuscitation for, 7–14—7–17
with hemorrhage, 7–3
hypovolemic, 7–11—7–14
treatment of, 7–24
Shock waves, underwater, 6–18
Shortness of breath. See also Dyspnea
with congestive heart failure, 4–3
in COPD, 4–21
aspiration at, 8–29
auscultation of, 3–70
dislocation of
anterior, 3–64
assessment of, 3–66
diagnostic tests for, 3–66
differential diagnosis of, 3–66
follow-up, 3–67
patient education for, 3–67
post treatment care for, 3–67
posterior, 3–65
procedures for, 3–66—3–67
treatment of, 3–71
dystocia of, 3–95—3–96
fractures of, 3–71
multidirectional instability of, 3–70
pain in
assessment of, 3–71
diagnostic tests for, 3–71
follow-up, 3–72
location of, 3–70
patient education for, 3–71—3–72
procedures for, 3–71
referred, 3–70
rehabilitation guide for, 3–72
risk factors for, 3–70
signs of, 3–70
symptoms of, 3–70
treatment of, 3–71
Shower, solar heated, 5–117f
Shy-Drager syndrome, 3–117
Sickle cell anemia, 4–9, 4–71
Sickle cell crisis
acute abdominal pain in, 3–3t

follow-up for, 4–10
treatment of, 4–9
Silo filler’s lung, 4–18
for blister agents, 6–53
for chemical burns, 7–18
for staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome,
Silver nitrate, 7–19
Silver sulfadiazine
for chemical burns, 7–18
for staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome,
Simple interrupted suture, 8–23
Sinus barotrauma, 6–3—6–4
Sinus squeeze, 6–33
prevention of, 6–34
cough with, 3–15
differential diagnosis of, 4–11
infectious, 6–32, 6–34
treatment of, 3–56
Site survey checklist, MedCAP guide, 1–3, 1–7—1–9
Sitz bath, 3–52
barotrauma of, 6–3—6–4
cancer of
basal cell, 4–39, 4–48, 4–66—4–67
malignant, 4–68
squamous cell, 4–48, 4–67
disorders of
bacterial infections, 4–40—4–45
bug bites and stings, 4–55—4–63
cancer, 4–66—4–68
contact dermatitis, 4–69—4–70
dermatology and, 4–38—4–40
fungal infections, 4–49—4–51
parasitic infections, 4–52—4–54
pseudofolliculitis barbae, 4–65—4–66
psoriasis, 4–64—4–65
seborrheic keratosis, 4–68—4–69
spirochetal, 4–63—4–64
viral infections, 4–45—4–49
full-thickness injury of in frostbite, 6–42
lesions of
arrangement of, 4–39
distribution of, 4–39
primary, 4–38—4–39
secondary, 4–39
shape of, 4–39
mass removal from
equipment for, 8–27
indications for, 8–26—8–27
precautions for, 8–28
procedure for, 8–27—8–28
rashes of in joint pain, 3–60
tenting of in diabetes mellitus, 4–29
Skin decontamination area, 6–54
Skinning, 5–125
Skip breathing, 6–12
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