Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Syncope, 3–117
assessment of, 3–118
follow-up, 3–119
patient education for, 3–118
signs of, 3–118
symptoms of, 3–117
treatment of, 3–118
Synovial fluid
analysis of, 8–29
cell count in joint pain assessment, 3–61
diagnostic algorithm for, 3–30—3–34f
differential diagnosis of, 5–103
in genital ulcers, 5–28
joint pain with, 3–60
secondary, 3–113t
signs of, 5–29
treatment of, 5–30
Systemic lupus erythematosus, 3–113t

Tabanid flies, 4–52
Tache noire lesions, 4–36
with blast injuries, 7–23
in congestive heart failure, 4–4
differential diagnosis of, 3–111
headache in, 3–55
in high altitude pulmonary edema, 6–40
in hypovolemic shock, 7–12
with myocardial infarction, 4–1
syncope with, 3–117
Tachypnea, high altitude, 6–40
saginata, 5–32
solium, 5–32
Taeniasis. See Tapeworm infections
Tail restraint, cattle, 5–130
after pericarditis treatment, 4–7
chest pain with, 3–11
vital signs suggesting, 3–11
Tamsulosin (Flomax)
for prostatitis, 3–82
for urinary incontinence, 4–91
Tanning chemicals, 4–69
Tapeworm infections
assessment of, 5–48—5–49
follow-up for, 5–49
patient education for, 5–49
signs of, 5–48
symptoms of, 5–48
transmission of, 5–48
treatment for, 5–49
zoonotic disease considerations in,
Tar burn, 7–19
Target cells, hemoglobin variations of, 8–56
Tarsal tunnel syndrome, 5–1
TEED classification, 6–2

Telangiectasia, 4–39
Temperature monitoring, 7–3
Temporomandibular joint dislocation, 5–18
follow-up for, 5–19
patient education for, 5–19
treatment for, 5–18—5–19
Tendonitis, 3–73—3–74
Tension headache, 3–55
Tension pneumoperitoneum, 7–26
Tension pneumothorax
in trauma, 7–2
treatment of, 3–117, 7–24
Terazosin (Hytrin)
for prostatitis, 3–82
for urinary incontinence, 4–91
Terbinafine, 4–50
Terbutaline, 3–94
Terconazole, 4–93
loss of, 3–84
mass in, 3–79—3–80
ruptured, 3–83
torsion of
assessment of, 3–83
follow-up, 3–84
patient education for, 3–83
salvage of, 3–82
signs of, 3–83
symptoms of, 3–82—3–83
with testicular mass, 3–80
treatment of, 3–83
tumor of, 3–83
Tetanospasmin, 5–100
antitoxin, 7–9
assessment of, 5–101
cause and incidence of, 5–100—5–101
follow-up for, 5–102
immunization chart for, 5–102
patient education for, 5–101—5–102
prophylaxis, 6–15
for brown recluse spider bite, 4–60
for chemical burns, 7–18
for cone shell sting, 6–16
for electrical or lightning injury, 7–27
for marine animal bites, 6–18
for octopi bites, 6–15
for sea snake bite, 6–16
for sea urchin bites, 6–16
for venomous fish bites, 6–15
signs of, 5–101
symptoms of, 5–101
treatment for, 5–101
Tetanus-diphtheria toxoid, 5–106t
Tetanus immune globulin, 5–101
Tetany, 6–48
in axillary blockade, 5–174t
for eye injury, 3–28
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