Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


symptoms of, 5–47
transmission of, 5–47
treatment for, 5–48
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–48
Strychnine poisoning, 5–101
Subacromial bursitis, 3–10
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
differential diagnosis of, 3–25, 3–28
treatment of, 3–26, 3–28
Subcutaneous mass
inflamed, 8–28
non-inflamed, 8–27—8–28
Subdural hematoma, 4–36, 5–67
Subperiosteal abscess, 5–13
Substance abuse, 5–150
differential diagnosis of, 5–150—5–151t, 5–152,
Subtalar joint dislocation
lateral, 3–66
medial, 3–66
Subungal hyperkeratosis, 4–64
Subungual exostosis, 5–2
Succinylcholine, dosing guidelines for, 5–156t
Sudden cardiac death, resuscitation of, 4–7
Sufentanil, dosing guidelines for, 5–156t
Suicidal ideation, 5–149
assessment for, 5–149
follow-up for, 5–150
incidence of, 5–149
prevention of, 5–149
risk of with depression, 3–17
symptoms and signs of, 5–149
Suicide attempts, 5–149
Suicide watch, for HIV patients, 5–78
Sulfa in Vaseline, 4–61
Sulfadiazine, 5–63
Sulfamylon, 7–18
Sulfasalazine, 4–82
Sulfonamides, 4–82
Sumatriptan (Imitrex), 3–56
Sun exposure
in basal cell carcinoma, 4–66
in squamous cell carcinoma, 4–67
differential diagnosis of, 3–114
pruritus with, 3–113
Superficial nerve block, foot, 5–168—5–169, 5–171f
Supertropical bleach, 6–54, 6–55
Suppositories, 3–13
Suprapubic bladder aspiration, 8–35—8–36
Sural nerve block, 5–169—5–170
for cesarean section, 3–101—3–102
instruments in, 3–100
M5 item list for, 1–19
for peritonitis, 4–83, 4–84
for sea urchin bites, 6–15
Surgical cricothyroidotomy, 8–6—8–7
Surgical excision

for myiasis, 4–53
for onchocerciasis, 4–53
for plantar warts, 5–4
Surgilube, 7–19
selection of, 8–22—8–23
types of, 8–23
equipment for, 8–22
hints for, 8–23
precautions in, 8–22—8–24
procedure for, 8–22
techniques for, 8–23, 8–24f
Sweating, 6–47
absence of, 6–50
Swimmer’s ear, 6–2
Swimmer’s itch, 5–46
Swimming dermatitis
assessment of, 4–54
cause of, 4–54
follow-up for, 4–54
patient education for, 4–54
signs of, 4–54
symptoms of, 4–54
treatment for, 4–54
acute abdominal pain, 3–1—3–2
causes of, 3–3t
objective signs of, 3–4t
anxiety, 3–2—3–5
Bartholin’s gland cyst/abscess, 3–52—3–55
breast problems
abscess incision and drainage, 3–9—3–10
mastitis, 3–7—3–9
chest pain, 3–10—3–13
constipation, 3–13
cough, 3–13—3–15
depression and mania, 3–15—3–18
diarrhea, acute, 3–18—3–19
dizziness, 3–20—3–22
eye problems, 3–22—3–29
fatigue, 3–29—3–31
fever, 3–31—3–35
gynecologic, 3–37—3–55
headache, 3–55—3–57
itching, 3–113—3–115
jaundice, 3–57—3–59
joint pain, 3–59—3–64
hip, 3–72—3–74
with joint dislocations, 3–64—3–70
knee, 3–74—3–76
shoulder, 3–70—3–72
low back pain, 3–6—3–7
male genital problems, 3–77—3–85
memory loss, 3–85—3–87
obstetric, 3–87—3–109
palpitations, 3–110—3–111
rash with fever, 3–112—3–113
shortness of breath, 3–115—3–117
syncope, 3–117—3–119
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