The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

listening to the divine story of Lord Ram and the sacred events associated with the life
and times of the Lord while he lived on earth^2. (8)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 8 that precedes
Doha no. 52.

(^2) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 5 that precedes Doha no.
It is fascinating to research where Lord Shiva heard the divine story of his
beloved Lord Ram during this time. The answer is found in Ram Charit Manas itself,
in its Uttar Kand, which is its last Canto or Chapter. There, Lord Shiva himself tells
Parvati that in the intervening period of time, from her death in her previous life as
Sati, till her reunion with the Lord in her current life, Shiva had been wondering from
place to place to listen the divine story of Lord Ram being narrated by renowned
sages and saints. During one of such sojourns he had heard the story at the place of
saintly crow named Kaagbhusund. Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Uttar Kand, from
Chaupai line no. 1 that precedes Doha no. 56—to Chaupai line no. 1 that precedes
Doha no. 58.
This part of the narrative is included in our present book under Chapter 2.

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cidānanda sukhadhāma siva bigata mōha mada kāma.

bicarahiṁ mahi dhari hṛdayam̐ hari sakala lōka abhirāma. 75.

Lord Shiva—who is eternally blissful, who is an abode of abiding happiness and joy,
and who is free from all kinds of worldly taints such as ‘Moha’ (attachments,
delusions), ‘Mada’ (arrogance, haughtiness, ego and false pride) and ‘Kaam’
(passions, desires and lust)—roamed freely on this earth with Lord Hari (Vishnu;
Lord Ram), who is the Lord who gives eternal peace and bliss to the entire creation,
reverentially enshrined in his heart. (Doha no. 75)

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katahum̐ muninha upadēsahiṁ gyānā. katahum̐ rāma guna karahiṁ bakhānā.

  1. jadapi akāma tadapi bhagavānā. bhagata biraha dukha dukhita sujānā. 2.

While roaming on earth, Lord Shiva visited the hermitages of sages, seers and saints,
preaching them and dispensing knowledge of metaphysics and spiritualism at some
places, while at other places he described the divine virtues and glories of Lord Ram.
Though he was dispassionate and detached from everything, having no desire
whatsoever in his heart, but still he was a compassionate Lord who was moved by the
grief and misery of his devotee (here alluding to the sufferings of Uma who had done
severe Tapa for him)^1. (2)

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