The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
Now, let me narrate the story after this episode. (3)

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dēvanha samācāra saba pā'ē. brahmādika baikuṇṭha sidhā'ē. 4.
saba sura biṣnu biran̄ci samētā. ga'ē jahām̐ siva kṛpānikētā. 5.

The gods heard all the news. [In fact, they were anxiously waiting for the news of
Shiva waking up from his meditative trance.] All of them, including Brahma the
creator, went to Vaikuntha (which is the abode of Lord Vishnu). (40
Then, all of them, including Brahma and Vishnu, went to the place where Lord
Shiva, who is an ocean of mercy, compassion and kindness, was present. (5)

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pṛthaka pṛthaka tinha kīnhi prasansā. bha'ē prasanna candra avatansā. 6.

All these gods honoured and glorified him (Shiva) separately. Their independent
prayers pleased the Lord (Shiva) who bears the crescent moon on his forehead. (6)

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bōlē kṛpāsindhu bṛṣakētū. kahahu amara ā'ē kēhi hētū. 7.

kaha bidhi tumha prabhu antarajāmī. tadapi bhagati basa binava'um̐ svāmī. 8.

The Lord who is like an ocean of mercy, compassion, grace and kindness, and whose
standard (flag) has the emblem of a Bull, asked the gods—‘Say, why have you all
immortal beings (a reference to the assembled gods) come here?’
Bidhi (the creator Brahma) spoke on the behalf of all the gods^1 , ‘Oh Lord, you
are all-knowing and well aware of the inner thoughts of everyone because you reside
in the inner-self of all (i.e. you are “Antar-yaami”; one who lives in the inner-self of
all living beings). So, though you know what is in our heart, I shall still pray to you to
express our ‘Bhakti’ (devotion and respect) for you. (8)
[Note—^1 Brahma was the senior-most amongst the gods. He was old and wise. So the
gods had made him their spokesman.
Vishnu did not say anything. Why? It is because Vishnu, in his manifested form
of Lord Ram, had already requested Shiva to marry Parvati who had done severe
Tapa to be accepted by the Shiva as his consort—refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal
Kand, Doha no. 76 along with its preceding Chaupai line nos. 5-8. So, Lord Vishnu
preferred to be discreet and kept quiet. When the gods’ spokesman Brahma was
pleading their case with Shiva, it was civil to let him present the case of the gods
without unnecessary interference.
Another reason why Brahma chose to act as the spokesman for the gods is given
in Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 6 that precedes Doha no. 83. It is
said here that Brahma assured the gods that once Kaamdeo successfully wakes Shiva
from his meditation, he will go and pray to Shiva to get married.]

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