The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

Lord Shankar (Shiva) had then discarded Sati for the sin she had committed by
assuming the form of Sita (because Lord Shiva worshipped Sita’s husband Lord Ram
as his revered deity and honourable Lord God, and Sati had violated all norms of
ethical behaviour, known as “Dharma”, by assuming the form of another person’s
wife, and that too of Lord Ram in order to test his integrity)^1. (Chanda line no. 1)
Sati was overcome with immense sorrow and grief arising out of Shiva
abandoning her, and she then went and burnt herself in the fire during the religious
sacrifice of her father (Daksha)^2. (Chanda line no. 2)
Now she has taken a birth in your (Maina’s) home, and she has done a severe
Tapa for her own husband^3. (Chanda line no. 3)
Understand this situation, and realising the fact of the matter you must
abandon doubts of every kind, and harbour no consternations of any kind whatsoever.
Understand the fact that “Girijaa” (literally, the daughter of Giri, the king of the
mountains) is eternally dear to Lord Shankar (Shiva) and is the Lord’s eternal beloved
consort.’ (Chanda line no. 4)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, (i) Chaupai line nos. 7-8 that precede
Doha no. 56; and (ii) Chaupai line no. 2 that precedes Doha no. 57.

(^2) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, (i) Chaupai line nos. 1-4 that precede
Doha no. 58; (ii) Doha no. 59 along with Chaupai line nos. 1-8 that precede it, and
Chaupai line no. 1 that follows it; and (iii) from Chaupai line no. 5 that precedes
Doha no. 61—to Chaupai line no. 8 that precedes Doha no. 64.
(^3) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line nos. 5-6 that precede Doha
no. 65.]

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suni nārada kē bacana taba saba kara miṭā biṣāda.
chana mahum̐ byāpē'u sakala pura ghara ghara yaha sambāda. 98.

*Hearing the reassuring words of sage Narad, all the grief and sorrow that had been
overwhelming everyone till now were dispelled (immediately)^1.
In a moment this news spread like a wild-fire throughout the city, and every
household became aware of it. (Doha no. 98)
[Note—^1 The family members of Parvati as well as the citizens of the kingdom of
the mountains had thought that Narad had misled Parvati and given her a wrong
advice—that she should do Tapa to get a crazy husband like Shiva appeared to be
when one limited his vision to the Lord’s external form and features. But now they
became aware of Parvati’s true identity as being the cosmic “Shakti” and the eternal
consort of Shiva. Hence, it will be actually wrong on her part to marry someone else,
especially when she had asked the Lord God, at the time of her death, to grant her the
boon that in whatever life-form she is born she should have unwavering devotion and
love for Lord Shiva and be able to serve the Lord—refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal
Kand, Chaupai line no. 5 that precedes Doha no. 65.
An important observation is to be made here. Till now everyone doubted Narad;
even the seven Sapta-rishis had openly accused him of giving a wrong advice to
Parvati to do Tapa for Shiva—refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, from Doha no.
78—to Doha no. 79. Then how come suddenly they all began to trust him now?

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