The Neel Giri had four beautiful and simmering golden summits. It looked
very charming and pleased my mind. [Since I was in search of peace, this attractive
site lured me and I went there.] (8)
Each of these summits had one huge tree each, viz. a Vat tree (the banayan
tree), a Pipar tree (the bo-tree; the long-pepper tree), a Paakar tree (the Indian fig
tree), and a Rasaal tree (the mango tree). (9)
A wonderful lake too existed on the top of the mountain. It had gem-studded
steps. This composite sight enthralled my mind and heart (and I decided to spend
somew time there) (10)
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∑ͧ¡Ã ∑§‹ ⁄Ufl „¢U‚ ªŸ ªÈ¢¡Ã ◊¢¡È‹ ÷΢ªH 56H
sītala amala madhura jala jalaja bipula bahuraṅga.
kūjata kala rava hansa gana gun̄jata man̄jula bhṛṅga. 56.
That lake had clean, cool and sweet water. There were plentiful flowers, especially the
lotus flower, of different colours that bloomed in and around it.
There was a lot of pleasant noise made by beautiful swans (that floated
majestically on its water) murmering sweetly, as well as by the bees that hummed
melodiously over the flowers. (Doha no. 56)
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tēhiṁ giri rucira basa'i khaga sō'ī. tāsu nāsa kalpānta na hō'ī. 1.
On (the top of) that charming mountain lived the “Bird” (a reference to the saintly
crow named Kaagbhusund) who will not perish (die) even when the Kalpa (i.e. one
cycle of creation) comes to an end. [That is, Kaagbhusund is immortal like the gods.]
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māyā kṛta guna dōṣa anēkā. mōha manōja ādi abibēkā. 2.
rahē byāpi samasta jaga māhīṁ. tēhi giri nikaṭa kabahum̐ nahiṁ jāhīṁ. 3.
All the countless types of faults, taints and shortcomings that are created by ‘Maya’
(delusions) and are closely associated with this mundane and mortal world, such as
‘Moha’ (attractions and attachments for the world and its material objects), ‘Manoj’
(passions and lust) etc.--- (2)